  • 學位論文


The Platform Business Model of Social Enterprise MaMa Team Up Case Study

指導教授 : 陳鴻基


社會企業是賺取利潤的同時實現社會公益之目的,利用創新的經營模式達到自給自足,並回饋社會。但現實上,社會企業面臨嚴重的資金、資源、人才缺乏等問題,讓社會企業依然面臨經營方面之問題。 這幾年通訊網路的發達,創造了智慧型行動裝置的普及,進而帶動全新資訊消費模式的產生,本論文利用資訊平台商業模式概念,創造多元連接管道、結合合作夥伴,獲取外部資源,整合內部資源,讓資源能物盡其用,藉由資訊平台推廣品牌與理念,擴大社會價值與提升競爭力。 本研究係以「小村子」做為個案研究對象,從商業模式畫布之觀點出發,透過文獻探討、個案研究法,以及深度訪談,來建立商業模式並進行驗證,研究結果驗證了將平台商業模式確實可以解決目前社會企業所面臨嚴重的資金、資源、人才缺乏等問題,同時提升社會價值。


The aim of a social enterprise is to find the balance between making profits and solving society problems to create positive impacts in society. A social enterprise achieves sustainable operation by applying innovation business model and contributes to the society. In fact, social enterprise always has serious problem in lacking of working capital, resources, and professional talents. Internet communication is becoming a trend these years, the smart mobile device become more and more popular which cause a new way of information consumption has revealed. In this thesis, we raise the platform business model to support social enterprise to solve current serious problems. The platform business model can link multi-channel resources, connect cooperated partners and get resources, integrate internal resource to perform the best use of the resources, and achieve the purpose of raising brand image, delivering key messages to expand social value and enhance competitiveness. This research took “MaMa Team Up” as the case study unit, and used Business Model Canvas to create the business models and try to prove it in the real environment. We conducted a qualitative research through literature review, case study research and in-depth interview. My research result validates the platform business can reduce current social enterprises problems and enhance social benefit.


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