  • 學位論文


Investigation on Chiller Replacement of Water-Cooled Screw Chillers

指導教授 : 張陸滿


能源將是地球暖化的主要因素,有效的管理才不致造成過度浪費,在減少浪費的同時不但提昇了產業的競爭力,同時也降低CO2量的排放。節約能源是愛護地球的第一步,故在保持舒適安全衛生的作業環境,能源管理是一個相當重要的研究技術課題。 新建置冰水主機已有CNS耗能相關規範,但既設舊有冰水主機並無相關研究探討,藉有此研究探討暸解既設主機能耗情形,以暸解相關問題,企業針對機電設施之設備如消防、水電、空調的使用原則往往堪用既可,直至設備損壞後才汰換。然而電價結構成本直升,同時環保意識抬頭,壞掉才換已不是最佳選擇。 於建物機電設備上由其空調電力耗能居冠,因而本研究將探討冰水主機設置成本、運轉成本、維護檢修成本討論主機的最佳效能運作,以利企業之選擇主機最佳汰換時程。本研究採一般商業大樓普遍採用之螺旋式冰水主機為研究對象,研究及分析冰水主機於使用後於個階使用年份冰水主機的現值再依主機耗能與2005冰水主機耗能標準比值,計算該冰水主機運轉電費相對增加費用,其中特別分析以一年運轉電費差額,二年、三年、四年、五年不同年份差額與冰水主機的現值相比較。 當運轉電費差額與冰水主機現值相等時既為冰水主機經濟效益上可汰換的時機,為便利使用者有更方便的計算出年份,本研究分析出一計算式以方便得知汰換主機年份,盼此研究能對環保及能源的使用綿盡一份心力。 如提早更新主機不增加企業主的負擔,而且可以做出CO2減量、降低使用電力進而舒緩電廠設廠時程並且主機提早更新設置亦可活絡社會經濟。


Energy consumption is the main cause of global warming. Efficient energy design and control can reduce carbon dioxide emission and also enhance company’s competitive edge. How to integrate energy control while maintain a secure, safe, hygienic building environment is an important topic for many companies. In recent years, new chillers are designed based on Chinese National Standards (CNS). However, few studies focus on evaluating the energy consumption and performance for existing chillers. In most cases, existing chiller is replaced when it’s either malfunctioned or at the end of its life cycle. Presently, with rising domestic energy cost and environment protection awareness, it is important to evaluate an appropriate timing for chiller replacement considering both performance efficiency and operation cost. The purpose of this study is to develop an empirical formula to determine the timing for chiller replacement. Air conditioners are the highest power consuming appliance in a building. In this study, the optimum operation efficiency of screw chillers is evaluated to determine the timing for chiller replacement based on system’s initial cost, operation cost, and maintenance cost. According to chiller’s energy consumption and COP (Coefficient of Performance), the present value in each operation stage is used to generate the increasing electricity cost. Also, the increasing electricity cost from one-year operation (N=1) to five-year operation (N=5) are compared with chiller’s present value. The study concludes that the timing for chiller replacement is when increasing electricity cost equals to chiller’s present value, it provides users and owners a convenient way to determine an appropriate timing for chiller replacement. Inappropriate timing of chiller replacement usually results in additional cost for investors. Therefore, an early decision methodology will certainly lead to better economic returns, and in the same time reduce the carbon dioxide emission and lower the electricity cost.


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