  • 學位論文


Association between Dietary Flavonoid Intakes and C-Reactive Protein Concentration: A Cross-sectional Study in Taiwan

指導教授 : 簡國龍


背景: 儘管攝取特定富含類黃酮的食物可以降低C反應蛋白的濃度,但對於飲食中類黃酮攝取量與C反應蛋白濃度的關聯性仍未有定論。我們使用台灣代表性的樣本來描述樣本飲食中類黃酮的攝取量,同時探討類黃酮攝取與C反應蛋白濃度的關聯性。 方法: 我們由2005-2008年臺灣國民營養健康狀況變遷調查資料中建立了2592位成人的橫斷性研究。類黃酮攝取量的計算由合併24小時飲食回顧及美國農業部類黃酮資料庫而得並且依四分位數分組。我們依據性別和年齡別估計主要的類黃酮攝取來源及類黃酮攝取量。以一般線性及羅吉斯迴歸進行調整後類黃酮攝取與C反應蛋白連續及二元變項( >0.3 mg/dL: 高C反應蛋白)的分析。 結果: 茶、柳丁、豆腐、地瓜葉及空心菜為總類黃酮攝取的主要食物來源。總類黃酮攝取量在女性和老年人的飲食中較低。相較於最低四分位數總類黃酮攝取組別,類黃酮攝取較高的參與者有較低的高C反應蛋白風險(調整後的勝算比由第二四分位數組到最高四分位數組分別為0.79、 0.67、及0.61),且黃酮醇及黃烷-3-醇的攝取也有類似的趨勢。此外,相較於沒有攝取茶湯的參與者,有攝取茶湯的參與者傾向有較低的高C反應蛋白風險(調整後的勝算比為0.74,95%信賴區間為0.57-0.97),然而,在柳丁、豆腐、地瓜葉及空心菜的攝取中卻沒有發現此關聯性。 結論: 高類黃酮及茶湯的攝取和C反應蛋白的濃度呈負相關,暗示高類黃酮的飲食可能有抗發炎效果。未來在此議題需要更多的前瞻性研究。


Background: Although the intake of specific flavonoids-rich foods may reduce C-reactive protein (CRP) level, the association between dietary flavonoid intakes and CRP was controversial. We aimed to describe the dietary flavonoid intakes in a Taiwanese nationally representative sample and to investigate the association between flavonoid intakes and CRP. Methods: We conducted the cross-sectional study based on 2592 adults from the Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan 2005-2008. Flavonoid intakes were estimated by linking the 24-hour dietary recall with U.S. Department of Agriculture flavonoid database and divided into quartiles. We estimated the major food items and described the flavonoid intakes according to gender and age. Adjusted estimates of the flavonoid intakes for the continuous and binary (CRP>0.3 mg/dL as elevated CRP) variables were performed by general linear and logistic regression. Results: Tea, orange, tofu, and sweet potato leaves/water spinach were the major food items of total flavonoids intake. The dietary total flavonoids intake was lower among women and elderly. Compared with the lowest total flavonoids intake quartile, participants in the higher quartiles were associated with lower risk of elevated CRP (adjusted odds ratio [OR], 0.79, 0.67, and 0.61 from second quartile to the highest quartiles). The trends were similar for flavonols and flavan-3-ols intakes. Compared with non-consumers, tea consumers were likely to have a lower risk for elevated CRP (adjusted OR, 0.74, 95% confidence interval, 0.57-0.97). However, the association was not found for orange, tofu, and sweet potato leaves/water spinach consumptions. Conclusion: Higher flavonoid intakes and tea consumption were inversely associated with CRP level, indicating a high-flavonoids diet may contribute to the anti-inflammatory effect. Further cohort studies are warranted.


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