  • 學位論文


Diagnosis of Gastric Cancer with Mass spectrometer and pH Measurements

指導教授 : 陳仲瑄


胃,是消化系統中第二大器官,上接食道,下接十二指腸。主要的功用在於將大塊的食物研磨成為小塊,並將食物中的大分子分解成較小的分子,以便於進一步被吸收。在這其中,胃腺的泌酸細胞在消化過程之中,會分泌出胃酸( HCl ),其用途在於殺死附在食物表面的細菌。 而台灣是胃癌高罹患率地區之一,也是國人好發的癌症之一。胃癌在「消化器官癌症」中排名第二,僅次於結直腸癌;而在所有癌症中,更是高居死亡原因中的第四位,是僅次於肝癌的惡性腫瘤。在最近的研究之中,我們發現,某些胃癌病人的胃酸pH值跟正常所認知的並不相同,因此我們做了一連串的實驗測試,並結合本實驗室現有的質譜技術和蛋白質體學的知識,以期找到胃癌的生物學指標(biomarker),並試著用基本的毛細現象做出一個裝置,希望我們夠藉由這個裝置在未來能夠達到體內即時偵測ex vivo的胃液取得,以期獲得更即時的數據,並或許能夠成為胃癌診斷的早期依據。 未來的研究目標,是希望藉由裝置的改良和結合微晶片,讓我們可以達到利用一個小裝置搜集消化道中所有的液體,而不需要切開人體,達到非侵入式的獲取資訊目標。更遠的目標是希望能夠針對消化系統的各種癌症找出不同的biomarker,以達到早期診斷早期治療的效果。


質譜 胃酸 胃癌


Gastric cancer is the second most lethal cancer of the world. There are more than one million people dead with gastric cancer last year. In Asia, especially Japan, and Korea, gastric cancer morality is top one every year, its morality is even more than lung cancer. Gastric cancer is a barely symptomless disease in its early stage, patients often diagnosed as gastric cancer in there lately stage, and cannot be cured. Purpose of this research is to find early-staged gastric cancer biomarkers, to make early diagnosis of gastric cancer become possible. The objects we study are gastric juices of normal, ulcer, duodenum ulcer, and gastric cancer patients. Dealing samples with MALDI-TOF mass spectrometer, UV-Vis absorbance spectroscopy, and pH meter in this experiment, we find some suitable gastric cancer related biomarkers, indeed. With the biomarkers we found, designs of in-vivo capsule gastric juice collector and in-vivo¬ capsule pH meter were also provided. With these new techniques and concepts, to make an early stage gastric cancer clinical diagnosis will be available.


Biomarker Biosensor Gastric Cancer Mass Spectrometry


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