  • 學位論文


The Analysis of Legislator Motivation and Behavior of Job Hopping: The Case Study of the Legislators in the Eighth and Ninth Legislature

指導教授 : 邱師儀
共同指導教授 : 周嘉辰(Chia-Chen Chou)




Achieving the position of legislator is not easy. However, there are many legislators in Taiwan who are transferred to serve as the Mayors of local government or as administrative officials in the cabinet during their term of office. This article focuses on the eighth and ninth legislators as the research object. It mainly analyzes factors that affect the springboard behavior of legislators’ by conducting regression analysis and testing on the data through two channels: interviewing legislators and collecting public information. This study uses two variables: the "personal factors" and the "legislative performance" of legislators to verify the legislator's springboard behavior. This study found that personal factors such as "gender", "age" "whether born in a political family" and legislative performance such as "number of legal proposals" do have a positive correlation with legislators' springboard behavior. At the same time, this research also found that based on the characteristics of the president-parliamentary, although there are many legislators in Taiwan who have springboard behaviors, on the whole, only a small proportion of legislators actually change the track during their term of office. In addition, when compared with the two main political parties in Taiwan, pan-green parties are more likely to use legislators as a source of talent for government affairs.


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邱師儀(2013)。〈立法院委員會運作與資訊立法模式: 以「下水道建設」之立法議題為例〉,《東吳政治學報》,31(4):71-160。
