  • 學位論文


The Transaction Cost framework of Project Delivery Methods Taking Culture, Education and Athletics Construction as Example

指導教授 : 王明德 江瑞祥


公共工程為國家重要的經濟投資項目,是政府提供重要公共財的途徑之一。在政府失靈的情況下,民間參與公共建設不僅為政府取得公共設施的主要手段及策略,也因此產生多樣的發包模式。然而,工程發包策略主要憑藉參與者的經驗,缺乏嚴謹的分析及探討。 在古典經濟學理論中,資訊透明狀況下,價格機制本可反映工程的真實價值,並且由市場自主指引價格。但在有限理性及投機主義的影響下,交易治理變為複雜且多變,須依照各種不同狀況交易特性設計適合之機制。公共工程發包方式(project delivery)不僅決定了公私治理的模式,發包模式衍生的交易成本也影響其決策結果。 本研究以公共工程委員會列管之文化、教育及體育建設為例,使用專家訪談調查組織及工程資產特定性。其後以主成分分析簡化工程發包過程中的交易成本因子,並且使用multi-nomial logit model驗證各工程資產特定性對於發包決策之影響。 研究結果顯示,公共服務的遞送過程,於組織及其生產流程便形成分化。機關屬性和工程特性兩種資產特定性,限定了其機關公共建設遞送的基本模式,並影響後期採購行為及組織調整。工程生命周期中,為減低訂約成本及議價風險之交易成本,機關傾向選擇傳統發包方式;而為減低預算搜尋成本、交易頻率與時間及交易情境變動所帶來之交易成本,機關傾向選擇BOT方式進行;為減低交易頻率與時間、廠商間之溝通成本及減低專屬性資產所引致套牢問題,機關傾向選擇DB方式。而外部效應及民眾爭議、廠商數量、監督成本及技術創新,情形隨個案或其它因素而定,無法明顯區分偏好,因此減低影響力。 研究限制在於本研究僅以政府機關立場為出發點,以交易成本觀點進行分析,未考慮廠商、民眾及社會整體等其他立場。如能進行各種觀點的比較,將對工程執行的整體考慮更加周全。


發包機制 交易成本 組織


Public construction is the major economic investment of the country, which is also the important way for the government to provide the public goods. In the case of government failure, Public-Private-Participation not only becomes the primary strategy for public facilities construction and it also enriches the project delivery methods. However, the project delivery method only relies on the experience of the participants nowadays, and lacks of rigorous analysis and discussion. In the situation with transparency information, the price methods could reflect the true value of the project, and the market could also guild the price. However, because of bounded rationality and opportunism, transaction becomes complex and changeable. The governance of transaction should be designed for various conditions. Therefore, project delivery method determines the way of public-private governance, and its transaction costs will also affect the decision-making. Taking culture, education and sports facilities for example, this study applied expert interview to determine the organization and asset specificity. In the life cycle analysis, this study applied Principal Component Analysis to simplify the factors of transaction cost, and Multinomial Logit Model for the impact of decisions. The result shows that public service delivery processes are separated and restricted because of the characteristics of organization and project. The two kind of asset specificity also limit the basic mode of project delivery, and affect the procurement behavior and organization adjustment. In life cycle, to reduce the contracting costs and bargaining costs, the government prefers the traditional way. To reducing the budget searching costs, transaction cost caused by transaction frequency and environmental changes, the government prefers BOT. To reduce the cost of time, communication costs and hold-up problems caused by asset specificity, the government tends to select the DB method. The external effects, the number of vendors, monitoring costs and technological innovation, are not clearly distinguished between the preferences. This study is only from the standpoint of the government, without considering positions from vendors, people and society. In the future research, after comparing with varies of perspectives; then, the consideration for methods of project delivery will be complete.


1.Barnard, C. (1938). The Functions of the Executive, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. pp.92-105.


