  • 學位論文


The Study on the Affiliation, Supervision and Operation of Local Libraries in Taiwan : Implications of the Central Place Theory

指導教授 : 蘇彩足


我國縣(市)及鄉鎮(市)區地方公共圖書館具有普及知識接觸、縮短貧富差距之社會公平正義功能,更擔負著為民眾提供社會教育服務的使命。 鄉鎮(市)區公共圖書館隸屬於鄉鎮(市)區公所,意味著公共圖書館的營運成效完全取決於鄉鎮(市)區公所主官、管的任事與支持態度以及對公共圖書館事業的認知及了解。鄉鎮(市)區公所的資源有限,能分配的經費預算常常是捉襟見肘,處處受限,所轄屬的鄉鎮(市)區公共圖書館非核心業務,更不易獲得足夠的人力配置、營運及管理經費。 地方政府公共資源的有效利用與官僚組織的營運效能配合是一個永遠值得研究的議題,如果牽涉修改法令或是變更行政區劃時,難度更是加倍提升。地方派系對於地方政治權力的掌控及分配有實質的影響力,此種政治生態不可能讓變更行政區劃任意或是隨時發生。縣(市)及鄉鎮(市)區公共圖書館亦因此實然面的制度影響,讓其行政隸屬對人力配置、輔導及營運產生了約制。 縣(市)及鎮(市)區公共圖書館以提供社區讀者需求為主,經由需求門檻及服務範圍分析,受到行政區劃的規範及影響,在地理空間位置上不如一般零售業、服務業能呈現理想的分布,及形成中地理論階層性分佈互相支援體系。相對的也就實質上妨礙了各地區、各類型、各族群民眾獲得相類似、一致性服務品質的機會。 應該比照消防隊、衛生所及醫療院所的建置方式,國家公園、流域整治、捷運路網佈建的治理模式,不固著於既有的官僚組織,制定必需的法律規範,以全縣區域為考量範圍,涵蓋區域內鄉鎮(市)區,跨越鄉鎮(市)區行政區劃的規範,配合中地理論階層性分佈模型,推動全縣區域的公共圖書館集中治理模式,統一人力調度及資源配置,讓全縣區域整體的鄉鎮(市)區公共圖書館的輔導及營運環境能依照需求門檻及服務範圍來滿足全縣區域讀者的相類似、一致性需要,才能達到增進圖書館整體服務效能之目的。


The major function of local library in Taiwan is to undertake the mission to support social education for the community residents, though the relationship between local public library and local government may interfere with the operation efficiency of local library. Not being one of the core units in the local government, budget shared of local library is always under requirement. Limited resources are not enough for man power, management cost and service offering. I t is worth to study how the bureaucratic structure of local government can function efficiently with the public resource being allotted. Trying to adjust the administrative region or change the law provisions to improve efficiency is only to increase difficulty. Local political factions might substantially manipulate the local political situation, politicians might not let region change happened easily. Supervision and operation performance of all the local libraries within the same county will be influenced by this kind of affiliation quite a lot. Basically, local libraries, including county and township public libraries, should fulfill the reading requirements from community residents. According to “central place theory”, analyzed through “threshold” and “rang” of the goods (collections) and services being offered, we can understand that the spatial distribution or the service network connection of local libraries is not presented ideally as a “hierarchical” system. It means that the local public libraries within the same county can’t offer the same level service quality equally to all the residents in the same area. A governance mode, covering all the local public libraries in the same county, with no legal provision need to be adjusted, similar to the way that national park, MRT system, river basin renovation being managed, not confined by bureaucratic organization, can be tried to establish following the “hierarchical” system principle of “central place theory”. Through this way, all the local public libraries can perform similarly to offer the same level service quality to all the residents in the same county.


