  • 學位論文


Cultural economy and place regeneration: Nostalgic economy and local development conflict in Monga quarter

指導教授 : 周素卿


本研究關注在以文化為主導的都市發展策略下,都市藉以推動與實踐都市再生的文化經濟類型以及它的內涵。也企圖探究這些類型的文化經濟在地方特殊的脈絡中所呈現的樣貌,以及運作過程與在地的互動所出現的張力。本研究以中萬華區的地方型經濟的轉型為案例,從地方特色產業輔導計畫作為切入點,討論以文化經濟作為發展策略的效應與對地方發展所產生的影響。 透過參與觀察以及深度訪談,了解參與產業輔導計畫的各行動者之背景、角色和參與脈絡,發現不同的行動代理人對地方發展策略的運作方式有著不同的回應方式。地方產業輔導計畫的執行者,以塑造具懷舊氛圍之地方特色為訴求,在推動地方再生的過程中,以散佈經濟優位的發展意識為行動邏輯,倡議將地方經濟向上連結到更廣大經濟體系,才將會對地方與社群發展帶來正面回饋。然而關注生活、社會層面價值的地方行動者,則期待藉由地方發展資源的引入來補足公部門失靈的社會功能角色。簡言之,立基於地方的文化經濟發展策略,不僅隱含了文化與經濟價值的對抗,更牽涉了不同尺度行動者之間的角力與對峙,以及他們對地方發展願景的競逐。甚而影響地方文化內涵的發展、社群意識的凝聚,進而影響地方文化經濟與地方發展的表現形式。 透過這些互動過程的分析與研究,本研究最後強調可藉此促使吾人重新思考,文化投入對於地方發展的實質影響。以特定型式營造的懷舊經濟來作為地方再生的發展策略與路徑,真正受益的群體可能只在有實力加入文化經濟運作體系的少數人,這些人通常已經和市場建立了密切連結。因此,文化策略所訴求的促進社會發展目標,其「社會」的指稱,可能侷限在有議價能力的消費者身分,而非地方社會的組成。


The aim of this research is to examine what form of cultural economy has been proposed and induced under the cultural-led urban regeneration strategies in a place-based context by using Monga as case study area. Starting with revealing the conflicts and contradictions among involved actors in the Wanhua district counseling program, which attempts to revive and even to transform the old city core – Monga via the nostalgic economy, this study tries to evaluate the impact of cultural-led urban regeneration on local development in a urban setting. Through participatory observation and in-depth interviews, this study begins with analyzing the behavioral logics of various actor involved in the implementation of the program. It is found that background and role of actors do affect their way of responding to the regeneration program. Agent of Counseling Program of Local Industry Promotion helps to shape nostalgic atmosphere in order to commodify the local characteristics, and actively promote linking the local economy to wider market. They advocate that this will bring positive feedback on community development. However, locally-based actors concern more about social function of the program and look forward to getting more resources to make up the malfunction of public sector on community development. In short, there are confrontations or conflicts on the meanings and strategies of the cultural economic development, which are based on and generated from local culture. It also shows blunt cultural war among different actors to compete for the vision and discourse of local development, which influence the interpretation and contents of .local cultures, community cohesion, and in turn the representation of local economy. Finally, this study would like to bring up the issue that the real impact of cultural investment on local development in this regard has just benefited for only a limited number of people. Even though the cultural strategy of urban regeneration does promote the importance of social goals in addition of economic development, the implication of "society" in their taskforce might be more confined to the bargaining power of consumers, rather than the wellbeing of local residents.


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