  • 學位論文


Constructing public history as a way of urban preservation: The conservation action of Gui-Yang Street historic urban landscape, Bangka.

指導教授 : 康旻杰


本研究以艋舺貴陽街的都市保存議題做為行動研究的場域,並嘗試突破官方主流的歷史敘事結構,採用Dolores Hayden發展的公共歷史概念,重新建構舊城區的空間脈絡與常民的公共生活。在這樣的視角下,我們得以見證以下三點: 1.過往的空間專業者在執行都市保存計畫時忽略公共歷史的設計手法與價值取向。 2.地方對於「台北第一街」名號的差異認同。 3.地方的連續性在都市形態變遷過程中的斷裂。這樣的斷裂,至今仍在持續著,當都市更新的建案將街道的節奏韻律與公共生活摧毀,貴陽街的歷史感與社區感就不斷遭受到威脅,而貴陽街上明顯具有文資潛力的紅磚街屋群,目前正面臨被更新的危機。 做為街上少數僅存的殖民時期建築,其不只在美學上具有意義,這段古樸的騎樓同時還支持著每日的街道生活,然而一旦更新,即便尋求文資法的保障,騎樓下的公共生活也無法保全。因此,聯合國教科文組織(UNESCO)提出的歷史都市地景方法,為後續兼顧有形與無形價值的保存行動帶來啟發。最後,在個人與團體分頭的行動下,本研究成功促使紅磚街屋群部分的所有權人認同新舊並存的開發方案,延緩了都更的整合作業;振興街區並對社區進行培力以正視公共歷史,同時促進閒置房產出租活化的概念,則成為團體內部對於後續推動保存計畫的共識。


Under the practices of action research, this thesis aims to examine the issues regarding urban conservation of Gui-Yang Street, Bangka, while applying the concept of “public history” developed by Dolores Hayden to challenge the authority of mainstream historical structure and reconstruct the spatial context and public life in the old urban blocks. Through the analysis of public history of the street, the study provides three major findings. First, the authorities and professionals in the 1990s didn’t recognize the significance of public history while conducting the programs of urban conservation. Secondly, the identity of “Taipei’s First Street” is not homogeneous and is recognized with differences among communities. Finally, the rupture of local continuity is constantly caused by the transformation of urban form. The sense of history and community is being threatened by the projects of urban renewal demolishing the rhythm and public life of the street. At the same time, the red-brick buildings as a potential heritage site on the street confronted risks of being renewed. The aged buildings, dating back to colonial-period, not only share artistic value with people but also support daily public life along the pedestrian arcade. However, the Cultural Heritage Preservation Act cannot prevent the public life from being demolished. Consequently, the study refers to Historic Urban Landscape approach addressed by UNESCO in order to inspire the upcoming conservation action concerning the tangible and intangible. As a result, the action carried out by researcher succeeded to put off the renewal process by persuading owners into reconsidering the renewal project; on the other hand, the action group came to consensus that future conservation should put an emphasis on public history and integrate community capacity building with local development by leasing and revitalizing the underused historic buildings on the street.


