  • 學位論文


The Strategy of IPM-based Farming Management of Shiny Glory Rice

指導教授 : 王淑美


害物整合管理(IPM)可視為永續農業的子系統,我國行政院農委會於2017年推動「化學農藥十年減半」政策,其下策略之一便是推廣、落實IPM,並辦理「永續善農獎」(IPM Award),以期帶領台灣朝永續農業轉型。三光米股份有限公司是該獎項第一屆得主,其與農民契作IPM稻米,本論文即在探討該公司在契作過程中,如何運用、整合不同IPM系統,繼而產生什麼樣的栽種管理策略;以及,在該策略下發展什麼樣的食物品質。 本研究以質性研究為取徑,採個案研究法。透過半結構式訪談公司管理階層、專家學者以及契作農民,輔以次級資料分析,研究發現,三光米公司有三大面向管理策略,分別為:一、「外部資源」,透過硬性的「整合外部資源並標準化知識」策略,制定明確的栽種管理方法,使生產者有所依歸;二、「內部機制」,透過軟性的「建立內部彈性機制」策略,由關鍵人物輔導慣行農民轉型;三、「收購機制」,以品質做為收購稻米的依據,提高生產者轉型IPM的意願,因此「收購機制構成經濟可行性」。三大面向持續互動、消長,調整至平衡狀態後,即為三光米的栽種管理核心,使IPM契作得以順利運作。 「規格化」品質代表三光米能夠自主控制的所有生產方式,對於以 IPM 契作的碾米廠來說,自主控制整個生產-加工-銷售的流程,不但利於建立「連結」品質,透過自主的檢驗機制,以及第三方認證系統取得「認證」品質,最後在銷售端創造「吸引力」品質。因此,優先建立規格化品質可能是IPM栽種管理的優勢與趨勢。 IPM的管理是一個不斷滾動、修正的過程,碾米廠具備整合資源、管理品質的條件,有推廣IPM的潛力。然而,本研究認為,制定具有「經濟誘因」的策略是落實IPM的關鍵之一,農業轉型的過程需要具備「經濟可行性」的管理策略,方可能使轉型永續。


Integrated Pest Management (IPM) can be regarded as a sub-system of sustainable agriculture. In 2017, the Council of Agriculture of the Executive Yuan promoted the "reduce the use of chemical pesticides by 50% over the next decade" policy, and one of its strategies is to promote and implement IPM, and to hold the "IPM Award" with a view to leading Taiwan's transformation toward sustainable agriculture. SHINY GLORY RICE CO., LTD., working in contract farming with farmers to produce IPM rice, was the first winner of this award. This paper examines how the company uses and integrates different IPM systems in the contracting process. What kind of management strategy was developed, and what kind of food quality was created under the strategy. This study adopted a qualitative research approach and a case study method. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with company management, experts and scholars, and crop farmers, supplemented by secondary data analysis. The study finds that there are three major management strategies adopted by SHINY GLORY RICE, namely: (1) "external resources", establishing explicit management methods via the hard strategy of "integrating external resources and standardizing knowledge" for producers to follow; (2) "internal mechanism", tutoring on the transformation of conventional farming by the key person with the soft strategy of "establishing internal flexibility mechanism"; (3) "acquisition mechanism", enhancing the willingness of producers to transform to IPM by using quality as the basis for rice acquisition, and therefore "the acquisition mechanism constitutes economic feasibility". Once the three major dimensions continue to interact and grow to a balanced state, the core of SHINY GLORY RICE's farming management is adjusted to enable the successful operation of the contract farming of IPM. "Specification" quality means that SHINY GLORY RICE is able to control all production methods independently. For IPM mills, controlling the entire production-processing-marketing process is not only conducive to establishing "association" quality, but also to obtaining "certification" quality through the independent inspection mechanism and third-party certification system, and finally creating "attraction" quality at the sales end. Therefore, establishing specification quality as a priority may be an advantage and trend for IPM farming management. The management of IPM is a continuous rolling and revision process. Rice mills have the potential to promote IPM as they have the capability to integrate resources and manage quality. However, this study suggests that developing strategies with "economic incentives" is one of the keys to implementing IPM. The process of agricultural transformation requires an "economic viability" management strategy in order to make the transformation sustainable.


王微瑄、黃靖嵐、李翎竹(2019)。鍾情土地的耕種模式:永續善農獎入圍 三光米股份有限公司。農業世界雜誌,435,26-27。
