  • 學位論文


A Study of Users' Behavioral Intention to Stick, Share and Recommend in Virtual Communities from the Value Perspective

指導教授 : 曹承礎


虛擬社群網站的最終價值來自於社群成員。社群成員愈多,經營者能因會員發表文章而提升網站內容的豐富度和可靠性,並由於目標族群清楚,更可藉由協助廠商放置廣告或提供交易場所而獲取利潤。然而同性質的社群網站競爭者愈來愈多,如何增加社群成員對網站的黏性,促進會員持續貢獻內容,提升社群網站的口碑,吸引更多人加入社群,是所有社群網站經營者關切的議題。 本研究試圖以Babin et al.(1994)提出之價值觀點應用在虛擬社群網站中,假設使用者瀏覽社群網站的目的在於獲取預期的資訊,且將獲得本研究提出之網站瀏覽價值(Web Site Browsing Value;WSBV),即瀏覽網站過程中感受到娛樂性的享樂價值,以及瀏覽網站後完成預期任務的實用價值;並探討影響該價值之決定因素,推論出該價值對於使用者持續再訪網站、發表分享文章以及推薦給其他使用者之行為意圖的影響。 本研究以FashionGuide社群網站做為研究對象,針對該社群成員進行問卷調查,共蒐集312份有效問卷,並採用PLS統計分析工具進行SEM資料分析。研究結果顯示使用者瀏覽社群網站時將獲得網站瀏覽價值,且該價值正向影響使用者持續再訪意圖、分享意圖與推薦意圖;外部變因如網站品質、愉悅感與激勵感也將對網站瀏覽價值造成正向影響;而誘因對網站瀏覽價值雖無顯著相關,但仍會影響使用者的分享意圖。


Members are the ultimate value for service providers of virtual communities because members post articles which enhance the plenty and reliability of content in the website and attract more and more targeted browsers. In addition, virtual communities can get more revenues from advertisements and transaction services. However, the number of competitors which have the same kind with community websites has increased over the years. To encourage users to revisit, contribute content and recommend the website frequently and attract more users to participate in the community are important issues for all service providers of virtual communities. This study adopts the value perspective proposed by Babin et al. (1994) to understand members’ behavioral intention in virtual communities. This study extends the original concept of value (shopping value) to the website browsing value (WSBV). The WSBV means that members get hedonic and utilitarian value after browsing content in virtual community websites. This study also discusses four determinants affecting the WSBV and investigates its influence on behavioral intention including revisiting, sharing, and recommendation. Data was obtained from FashionGuide.com which is well known forum for sharing information about women’s beauty. This study collected 312 valid questionnaires and the research model was tested through structural equation modeling (SEM) with PLS. The result confirmed that users will acquire the WSBV when they browse the community websites. Moreover, it revealed WSBV is positively associated with intention of revisiting, sharing and recommendation. External variables like website quality, pleasure and arousal are also positively associated with WSBV. Although, incentive is not significantly correlation with WSBV, it still has impact on users’ intention to share.


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