  • 學位論文


Sell to Amazon or Sell on Amazon? The Impact of Online Retail Formats on Product Performance: The Moderating Role of Product Characteristics

指導教授 : 謝明慧


綫上零售經銷商越來越平臺化。在傳統的經銷模式(Reselling)之外,供應商可以直接在網路經銷商的平臺上銷售其商品。這種模式被稱之爲代理銷售(Agency selling)。但是,很少有實證研究討論哪一種網路銷售模式產生更好的產品銷售績效。而且,當一個供應商選擇了代理銷售模式,什麽樣的產品特質會讓代理銷售更有效?爲了回答這些問題,本研究討論何種產品特質干擾代理銷售對產品績效的影響。透過交易成本分析為視角,本文作者提出,當一個產品有可能引起品牌專屬性問題時,代理銷售,作爲一種階層治理模式,會產生更好的銷售績效。作者使用在美國Amazon.com獲得的資料,實證討論了一系列假説。混合效果綫性模型的結果顯示,代理銷售對於搜尋型,非耐久性,以及高價的產品產生更好的銷售績效。同時,代理銷售對的受顧客歡迎的產品會產生比較低的銷售績效。


With the platformization of online retailers, suppliers can directly sell products on an e-retailer’s site (i.e., agency selling). Yet, few empirical studies provide insights into which online retail format (agency selling or reselling) is associated with better product sales performance. Also, if a supplier selects agency selling, which product characteristics leverage the effectiveness of the retail format. To answer these research questions, this study examines how product characteristics moderate the influence of agency selling on product sales performance. Using transaction cost analysis, the authors suggest that when a product is likely to trigger the brand specificity issue, agency selling (i.e., hierarchical governance) results in a better sales performance. They test the hypotheses using data from Amazon.com in the United States. The results from a mixed effect linear model show that agency selling results in a higher sales performance for search, nondurable, and high-priced products. The findings also suggest that agency selling generates lower sales performance for popular than for less popular products.


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