  • 學位論文


EU Climate Governance:The Policy Decision of Emissions Trading Scheme

指導教授 : 張亞中


歐盟在全球環境政治領域中扮演重要角色。本文研究歐盟的氣候治理,透過多層次治理的理論觀點,以歐盟的排放交易決策做為分析案例,來觀察歐盟的氣候治理模式。 從國家、超國家、跨國家層次來分析排放交易指令的決策過程,可以映證歐盟氣候治理所擁有多主體、多層次、多面向的特質。參與決策過程的主角,不只有歐盟的超國家組織或會員國,如環保團體、私人企業、科學社群等跨國行為者也都對決策產生一定影響,彰顯出氣候治理多元主體的特性,各個層面的行為者透過相互協商來取得集體共識。共識的取得則須依賴行為者之間的多重決策管道,這些正式與非正式的管道包含各種諮商會議、工作小組,以及溝通、協商、遊說的過程,權力分散的互賴網狀結構增加行為者之間的互動,呈現治理的多層次特質。在政策領域區分漸細的情況下,氣候治理有朝向高度專業化發展的趨勢,技術性官僚與專業知識在政策的設計與提案過程中,擁有高度重要性。 本研究共有七章。第一章為研究動機與目的,陳述方法與架構,列出研究範圍與限制,並進行文獻回顧。第二章為多層次治理的理論探討,闡述歐盟治理的決策程序、行為者與互動模式。第三章探討歐盟環境政策與氣候政策的發展歷史。第四到六章為案例分析,將排放交易政策分為三個階段,分析歐盟從反對、接受到通過法案的過程。第八章為結論,將歐盟的氣候治理與排放交易決策作一完整的評估,回顧研究成果並提出未來研究建議。本研究認為,以多層次治理模式為基礎,歐盟發展出的氣候治理體系擁有良好表現,因而得以在國際氣候談判中維持領導角色。


In the field of global environmental politic, European Union plays a crucial role. This study aims to investigate EU climate governance through the perspective of multi-level governance, using Emission Trading Scheme as case study. The policy-forming process of ETS can be analyzed in national, supranational and transnational levels. Three characteristics of EU climate governance are revealed by multi-level analysis. The first characteristic would be multi-actor, which means that the policy is formed by numbers of agents containing EU institutions, national governments, environmental NGOs, industries and scientific communities. The ultimate goal of these actors is to reach a consensus through negotiation. The second characteristic refers to the existing of multi-level channels in decision making process, including official and non-official ones, which shape into an interdependent and decentralized networking structure, and thus enhance the interaction between involving actors. The differentiation of policy issues is the third characteristic. Under this circumstance, climate governance becomes a highly professional issue. Technological bureaucrats and specialized knowledge are required when designing and promoting related policies. First chapter states the motives and purposes, range and restrictions, and literature review of the research. Chapter two probes into the theory of multi-level governance. Chapter three examines the evolution of EU environmental and climate policies historically. The following three chapters are case study, investigating how EU finally achieves to pass the ETS directive from the beginning. Chapter eight is an overall overview of the research.


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