  • 學位論文


Autumn Habitat Use of Wild boar (Sus scrofa taivanus) in Keelung, Taiwan

指導教授 : 李玲玲


臺灣野豬(Sus scrofa taivanus)為臺灣特有亞種,是臺灣少數未被列入保育類的大型哺乳動物。臺灣野豬時常入侵農田覓食而造成農業損失,因此在部分地區(包括基隆市)被視為有害生物而遭獵捕。基隆市的山區屬於森林、溪流、農田、聚落等鑲嵌的丘陵地景,適於野豬棲息。然而臺灣野豬在中低海拔農林鑲嵌地區的棲地利用研究甚少,因此本研究擬透過野外調查與空間分析,了解影響基隆市臺灣野豬棲地利用的主要環境因子。本研究於2018年秋季利用野外調查21個2x2平方公里網格內總長34.24公里的調查路線,紀錄沿線臺灣野豬出現活動的點位資料,透過套疊土地利用與多項環境因子的地理資訊系統(Geographical Information System, GIS)圖層及廣義線性混合模型(Generalized Linear Mixed Model, GLMM),分析基隆市山區臺灣野豬出現位置與距森林邊緣距離、距水源距離、距開闊地距離、距農田距離、地形崎嶇指數、海拔、坡度、坡向、環境類型、土壤質地等十個因子之關係。 結果顯示,基隆市的臺灣野豬在秋季較常出現在距水源較遠、海拔較高、略有坡度,而崎嶇指數較低的環境;且在各種環境類型中,野豬較常在混合林活動。至於分項行為的分析結果顯示,野豬傾向在離水域較遠的混合林中移動,並在海拔較高處築巢或休息,覓食行為與各項環境因子的相關性均不顯著。


The Formosan wild boar (Sus scrofa taivanus), though an endemic subspecies, is not a legally protected species according to the Wildlife Conservation Act in Taiwan. They may forage in farmlands and damage crops, thus causing economic losses. As a result, wild boars are considered pests and are hunted in some regions, including Keelung. Keelung is featured with hilly landscape containing a mosaic of patches of forest, stream, farmland human settlement that are suitable habitats of wild boars. However, little is known on habitat use of the Formosan wild boars in the non-urban lowland hilly areas. Therefore, the aim of this study is to find out factors that would affect wild boars’ habitat use in Keelung, by using field survey and spatial analysis. Wild boar tracks and markings are recorded along survey routes with a total of 34.24 km in length within 21 2×2 km2 grids in Keelung in Autumn of 2018. Generalized linear mixed model and spatial analysis are used to analyze the effects of following factors on habitat use of the Formosan wild boars: distance nearest to forest edge, distance nearest to clearings, distance to water body, distance to farmland, terrain ruggedness index, elevation, slope, aspect, type of environment and soil type. In addition to the analysis of factors affecting wild boar’s presence or absence, tracks and markings are classified by different activities, and their relationship with these ten factors are discussed separately. The result shows that the Formosan wild boars in Autumn in Keelung tend to appear at locations with greater distance to water body, lower terrain ruggedness and some slope. Among various environmental types, wild boar appears more often in mixed forest. Results of analyses regarding habitat use of various activities showed that wild boars in Keelung mainly travel far from the water body in mixed forests, build their nests or rest at higher elevation. No environmental factors were found correlating significantly to the locations of foraging behavior of wild boars in Keelung.


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