  • 學位論文


Demand and Willingness of Farming Machinery Rental: A Case Study of Tainan Mechanized Farming Association

指導教授 : 王俊豪


臺灣農業面臨勞動力流失、農業生產成本過高、人口高齡化等難題,須加速改善農業生產模式與培育新進農民,以因應國際市場之競爭。近年來政府積極提升農業機械化程度,借重省工高效率的農業機械,優化勞動條件,翻轉農業困境。大勢所趨加速提升農機具的運作效能,已成為農業升級密不可分的課題。 本研究以行政院農業委員會輔導處所建置之農機代耕體系,臺南農協機耕團與臺南青農聯誼會為研究對象,自2021年12月到2022年3月期間的運作資料為分析範圍。採取問卷調查方式進行採樣分析,內容包含性別、年齡、教育程度、農場類別、作業工時、農機具出勤種類以及是否為自有農地進行關聯性分析。採用統計分析方法進行研究,探討農機租借對農業勞動力改變與農業經營的效益,並對於農機具媒合服務平臺農機具調配的建議,期望提供日後農機租借自主營運模式參考。 依分析結果來探討農業生產外的農機租借市場發展性,縮短農機具閒置期,增加農機衍伸收益。有別於個體戶農機購買者,農機具媒合服務平臺將有效發揮農機具運用稼動率。如何讓需求農友能更便捷取得農機服務,改善農機租借發展瓶頸。此外,農機具有專業技術含量,如何提高農民對於農機教育訓練意願,促成以互助共享模式整合農機具,藉由農機租借運作可大幅降低農業生產成本,提高農業收益,進一步推動農機租借市場接受度。


In order to meet the competition in the international market, Taiwan's agricultural industry is faced with problems such as the loss of labor force, high agricultural production cost and aging population.In recent years, the government has been actively improving the degree of agricultural mechanization, taking advantage of labor-saving and high-efficiency agricultural machinery, optimizing labor conditions and reversing agricultural difficulties.The trend of The Times, accelerate the operation efficiency of agricultural machinery and implements, has become an inseparable subject of agricultural upgrading. In this study, the operation data of Tainan Agricultural Association and Tainan Youth Farmers Association from December 2021 to March 2022 were used as the research object. The system was established by the Guidance Office of the Agricultural Council of the Executive Yuan, and the Tainan Agricultural Association was used as the research object.Questionnaires were used for sampling analysis, including gender, age, education level, type of farm, working hours, type of farm machinery and tools attendance, and whether it was owned farmland.Statistical analysis method was used to study the benefits of agricultural machinery leasing on the change of agricultural labor force and agricultural management, and suggestions on the deployment of agricultural machinery and tools on the agricultural machinery and tools media service platform were proposed, hoping to provide a reference for the independent operation mode of agricultural machinery leasing in the future. According to the analysis results, this paper discusses the development of agricultural machinery rental market outside agricultural production, shortens the idle period of agricultural machinery and tools, and increases the benefits of agricultural machinery extension.Different from the self-employed agricultural machinery buyers, the agricultural machinery and tools media service platform will effectively play the use of agricultural machinery and tools moving rate.How to make demand farmers can more convenient access to agricultural machinery services, improve the development bottleneck of agricultural machinery rental.In addition, agricultural machinery has professional and technical content, how to improve the willingness of farmers for agricultural machinery education and training, promote the integration of agricultural machinery and tools by mutual assistance and sharing mode, through the operation of agricultural machinery rental can greatly reduce agricultural production costs, improve agricultural income, further promote the acceptance of agricultural machinery rental market.


