  • 學位論文


A Study on the Differences in E-learning Readiness of Junior High School Students with Different Family Background

指導教授 : 朱則剛


本研究探討都市與偏鄉與不同家庭背景之國中學生,當前「數位學習準備度」之狀況與差異。根據研究結果提出結論與建議,作為相關單位實務工作的參考。 本研究採取量化之問卷調查法,以立意抽樣法選取國內高雄市、台南市與屏東縣七所國中之學生為對象,共得到 516 份之有效問卷,回收率為 78%,以自編之「國中生數位學習準備度」問卷,調查學生在整體與個別構面之表現與差異,問卷經由 SPSS For Windows 統計軟體進行描述性統計、t 檢定、單因子變數數分析與皮爾森積差相關分析等處理之結果,所得到之結論如下: 一、 國中學生「數位學習準備度」現況在中上程度。 二、不同性別之國中學生在整體「數位學習準備度」並無顯著差異。 三、不同地區國中學生在整體「數位學習準備度」有顯著差異。 四、不同年級國中學生在整體「數位學習準備度」有顯著差異。 五、父親不同學歷之國中學生在「數位學習準備度」上有顯著差異。 六、母親不同學歷之國中學生在「數位學習準備度」上有顯著差異。 七、父親不同職業類別之國中學生在「數位學習準備度」上有顯著差異。 八、母親不同職業類別之國中學生在「數位學習準備度」上有顯著差異。 九、不同家庭月收入之國中學生在「數位學習準備度」上並未有顯著差異。 十、無論偏鄉或都市國中生,個別層面皆與整體層面呈現正向之中度至高度相關。 根據上述研究發現,本研究提出以下幾點建議 一、教育行政者應考量不同年級與家庭背景學生在「數位學習準備度」表現的差異,妥善規劃與實施教育政策。 二、教育行政者應充分認識理解數位學習在教學上可扮演的角色與功能,充實班級的資訊設備並提升教師的資訊素養,發揮科技輔助教學的優勢,落實資訊教育向下扎根,學以致用,提升教學成效。 三、在教學過程,教學者應注意性別因素在數位學習實施過程所造成的學習差異與學習成效。 四、教育相關單位與教學者,必須隨時留意學習者學習狀況與學習進度。


This study mainly investigated the current situation and difference of e-learning readiness of urban and rural and different family background between junior high school students. The findings have some implications for the development of e-learning program in future. A junior high school student e-learning readiness questionnaire was developed and questionnaire was conducted to students of seven junior high schools in Kaohsiung、 Tainan and Pingtung county.516 copies were recovered and the successful rate is 78%. This research exploded the overall and Individual performance and difference between students by using the this questionnaire as a tool. Survey data using SPSS For Windows statistical software for the analysis of descriptive statistics, independent sample T-test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson product-moment correlation. According to the findings, conclusions drawn from this study are as follows: 一、 The current situation of e-learning readiness of junior high school students is above average. 二、 There was no significant difference found among junior high school students of different gender in overall e-learning readiness. 三、 There was significant difference found among junior high school students of different area in overall e-learning readiness. 四、 There was significant difference found among junior high school students of different grade in overall e-learning readiness. 五、 There was significant difference found among junior high school students of different father’s educational background in overall e-learning readiness. 六、 There was significant difference found among junior high school students of different mother’s educational background in overall e-learning readiness. 七、 There was significant difference found among junior high school students of different father’s occupational categories in overall e-learning readiness. 八、 There was significant difference found among junior high school students of different mother’s occupational categories in overall e-learning readiness. 九、 There was no significant difference found among junior high school students of different monthly family income. 十、 Whether urban or rural junior high school students the overall and Individual aspects are correlated moderately and significantly. Based on the findings above,several suggestions are proposed: 一、Educational administrators should plan and implement education policies properly considering differences in performance between students of different grades and family background. 二、Educational administrators should be fully aware understanding of the roles e- learning can play in teaching and furthermore to enrich IT equipment and enhance teachers' information literacy to exert the advantages of technology that aid teaching to implement information education for the benefits of enhancing the effectiveness of teaching. 三、In the process of teaching,instructors should pay attention to the factor of gender as the result of the learning differences and learning effectiveness. 四、Education-related units and instructors should keep an eye on the progress of learners and learning conditions at anytime.


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