  • 學位論文


Lee Teng-hui and Taiwanese Identity

指導教授 : 何瑞藤
共同指導教授 : 邱榮舉(Rong-Jeo Chiu)


本論文係根據政治大學選舉研究中心等台灣各機關定期舉行的台灣居民之台灣人�中國人意識調查,從李登輝任職總統時期台灣居民的台灣認同意識之台灣人意識上昇率,假設李登輝時代舉行的總統直選等各種民主化改革除了將台灣人認同提昇為國家認同層級,李登輝本人身為國家領導人率先發表關於「台灣人」的言論,對台灣居民的國家認同帶來莫大影響,為了釐清脈絡,筆者詳讀了李登輝言論集(1988年∼2000年),將焦點置於分析與建構台灣認同可能有關的李登輝演說中之詞彙選擇變化,以及李登輝為了確立台灣認同而創造的種種概念。 在第一章緒論中,首先說明本論文的研究背景、研究動機與目的,並探討學術界現有文獻,最後,進一步確立本論文主題的研究架構,研究途徑與方法。第二章探討李登輝個人的背景與他的認同。本章主題是李登輝的家庭環境、教育環境,構成李登輝的人生哲學的書籍內容與基督教的影響。第三章中觀察台灣認同的發展,首先整理現有的 Nationalism、國家認同相關議題,比如Nationalism與國家認同的定義。之後、探討台灣意識、台灣的Nationalism與台灣認同的發展。 第四章到第六章將探討李登輝在總統任內以及卸任後,關於台灣認同嘗試做出何種政治性發言,企圖喚起、落實民眾的台灣認同。接下來的第四章和第五章中,將分析李登輝執政時期的1988年至2000年為止的言論。言論分析所使用的資料主要為刊登自1978年到2006年為止的官方活動之言論、論文、採訪等之李登輝先生言論集中,自李登輝就任總統至退任之1988年至2000年的言論,第7冊至第22冊為中心,分析方法將把焦點放在李登輝言論中可能與建構台灣認同有關的李登輝詞彙選擇之變化。在此第四章中將特別注意這十二年來其言論中第一人稱「我們」的範圍變化,相對地、中國大陸何時從「同胞」變成「他們」,還有台灣這個地方 (台灣�中華民國在台灣)在形容上有何變化等等。第五章聚焦於為了確立台灣認同而創造的種種概念並進行分析。本章中探討了生命共同體、社區共同體、國家生命共同體、新中原、心靈革命等關鍵字在什麼樣的時間、以何種意義被使用等背景,同時也研究這些詞彙如何運用於其演說當中。第六章觀察其卸任後,自國民黨主席辭職後的2000年到現在為止,身為一介平民的李登輝關於台灣認同的言論。第七章中探討日本與李登輝的關係。最後在第八章的結論中將進行整體總結並述及研究限制、今後的課題。


This dissertation focuses on former Taiwanese President Lee Teng-hui’s influence on the development of Taiwanese National Identity. While presiding over major advancements in democratic reforms in Taiwan, Lee has also promoted Taiwanese localization movements and has played a leading role in the smooth transition from Chinese Nationalism, which was promoted in Kuomintang (KMT) era, to Taiwanese Nationalism. The opinion of the Taiwanese has always continued to change, reflecting the problem of national identity that is easily affected by political, economic, and diplomatic circumstances with Mainland China; however, according to polls conducted by the Mainland Affairs Council and academic institutions such as National Chengchi University and the Academia Sinica, there has been a growth in the number of people identifying themselves as Taiwanese, and its pronounced growth has mainly occurred in the 1990s, during Lee Teng-hui ‘s term of office. I believe that Lee Teng-hui’s democratic political reform and his statements in the 1990s have been precisely influential over the development of Taiwanese identity, particularly his official statements guided in Taiwanese that express and discuss openly about their identity after the long-term restrictions on free speech under martial law. When analyzing Lee’s statements, I also divided the analysis into three periods (1998-1996, 1996-2000, and 2000-present). Characteristic changes of his statements are seen in each of the three periods. The first watershed was in 1996, when the first direct presidential election was held and Lee was chosen as president. The second one was in 2000, the time Lee became an official to a private; it is also when Chen Shui-bian was elected as a president, resulting in Lee’s stepping down as both president as well as the chairman of the KMT. In addition to this analysis, I had an interview with Lee Teng-hui to understand more about his political thought and his intentions of his significant statements he has given in the past.


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