  • 學位論文


The positioning of blockchain in the circular transition process

指導教授 : 馬鴻文


循環經濟是近年各國政府的重點發展目標,許多政策討論和研究計畫圍繞著此議題進行。循環經濟有賴系統性設計,而文獻指出區塊鏈技術能夠在循環轉型的過程中扮演輔助的角色,提升經濟環境的資源效率。本研究首先以主題分析釐清商業模式的循環轉型過程,以及許可制和非許可制區塊鏈網路在其中的潛在應用。本研究基於以太坊區塊鏈智能合約開發去中心化的資源共享工具,此工具設計為出售和出租閒置物品所用。本研究認為,非許可制區塊鏈中的市場機制可能阻礙此種資源共享工具的經濟可行性。 區塊鏈網絡記帳或記錄保持的能源消耗是其最主要的環境衝擊來源。本研究使用生命週期評估和定量水能鏈結分析進行環境影響評估闡明營運區塊鏈網絡的環境衝擊,並指出其對水系統的潛在影響。此外,本研究亦研擬衝擊減緩策略,鎖定區塊鏈網路的機房設施濕式冷卻塔為對象進行循環改造,成為能夠回收水資源與鹵水資源的零排放模式。此減緩策略能夠減少13%的營運區塊鏈網路所需的用水量,並可望降低部分能源需求。本研究亦討論了其他區塊鏈融入循環經濟的挑戰,並根據研究結果提出監管的政策建議。


The circular economy has been on top of the government agenda worldwide, and policy discussions and research projects are surrounding this topic. A circular economy requires system-level design, and blockchain technology may assist in the circular economy transition to improving resource efficiency. This study investigated the circular transition process of business models and the potential implementation of permissioned and permissionless blockchain in them. A decentralized resource-sharing tool for selling and renting unused objects based on Ethereum blockchain smart contracts was developed. The market dynamics of permissionless blockchains are found to obstruct the economic feasibility of such an application. The energy consumptions related to the record-keeping of blockchain networks are their most significant source of environmental impacts. An environmental impact assessment with an LCA and quantitative nexus approach was utilized to elucidate the impacts of operating blockchain networks and point out their influence on the water system. Furthermore, a mitigation strategy focusing on wet cooling towers, which are infrastructure facilities of blockchain, was developed to undergo circular transformation into a zero-discharge model that recovers water and brine resources. This mitigation strategy could reduce 13% of water consumption from blockchain operations and lower overall energy demand. Other challenges of blockchain integrating into the circular economy were discussed, and policy advice on regulation was given based on the results of this study.


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