  • 學位論文


The Effect of Corporate Governance on Corporate Social Performance and The Assurance of CSR Reports: Evidence from Taiwan

指導教授 : 高偉娟
共同指導教授 : 林世銘(Su-Ming Lin)


本研究旨在探討國內企業公司治理機制對於企業社會責任績效之影響,並測試強制揭露報告書前後,企業之社會責任表現是否存有差異;同時進一步探討,當企業於其公司治理制度下,設置CSR運作單位,是否會因為相關單位之監督,影響企業將CSR報告書交予外部確信之意願。 本研究以曾經發布CSR報告書之上市公司為樣本,樣本涵蓋期間為2012年至2015年,實證結果顯示,當企業前一期公司治理之品質越好,其本期之企業社會責任表現越佳,支持利害關係人理論之觀點;同時,強制揭露後,企業之社會責任表現較佳,此說明主管機關介入監督是有效益的;最後,實證結果亦發現,專職之CSR運作單位相對於兼職單位,更能增加CSR報告書之確信意願,此說明專職單位如CSR委員會、永續發展委員會之設置,如與企業整體之發展目標較一致時,則企業會有更大的動機,將受過驗證之資訊提供給外界參考。


This study investigates the effect of corporate governance mechanism on corporate social performance (CSP) in Taiwan and tests whether there is any difference between firms’ CSP after the policy of mandatory CSR reports enacted by Taiwan government. Furthermore, we investigate whether firms’ CSR function unit within their governance systems will affect their will to verify CSR reports through an independent third-party. The sample includes the listed companies in Taiwan that published CSR reports from 2012 to 2015. We find that firms’ social performance tends to behave better than their counterparts when they have better corporate governance quality one year ago. This is consistent with the stakeholder theory. Also it implies that it is effective for our government to supervise firm’s CSP since the result shows that firms have better social performance after they were required to issue CSR reports. Finally, compared with firms with the part-time CSR function unit, firms with the full-time function unit have higher propensity to verify their CSR reports. It suggests that the full-time CSR function unit, like the CSR committee or the sustainable development committee, has aligned their interests with stakeholders, thus having more incentives to provide verified information for public users.


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