  • 學位論文


Developments of Chitosan as Functional Biomaterials

指導教授 : 謝國煌


幾丁質(Chitin)是自然界中數量僅次纖維素的多醣類,大多存在海洋生物幾以及陸地昆蟲的外殼之中,也有部分存在真菌類的細胞壁之內。幾丁聚醣(Chitosan)是由幾丁質經過去乙醯化而得到,具有生物可分解性、生物相容性及抗菌性。幾丁聚醣經過適度加工與改質後,其應用更為廣泛,目前常被用在骨組織再造、藥物釋放、創傷敷料等應用。本研究致力於開發幾丁聚醣成為更具有應用性的生醫材料。 第一章為文獻回顧,唯有了解過去的研究以及未來的發展,才能鑑古知今並且繼往開來。 在第二章,我們以醋酸切割製備各種不同分子的的幾丁聚醣,並更劑音部對這個酸解的過程作動力學分析。除了得到不同分子量的幾丁聚醣以外,我們也對其化學結構進行鑑定,更研究了小分子量幾丁聚醣對於紅血球聚集的影響。最後提出酸解過程的反應機制。 第三章,幾丁聚醣與聚麩胺酸屆者簡單的靜電作用力,而形成穩定的聚電解質。我們根據理論劑算設計不同組成比例的聚電解質,除了有物理化學性值得討論之外,更對其抗菌的特性有深入的刻化。 第四張為第三章的延伸,開發幾丁聚醣與聚麩胺酸聚電解質為創傷敷料。 第五章則是延續三、四兩章,研究生物軟組織(上皮組織與肌肉組織)幾丁聚醣與聚麩胺酸聚電解質的生物反應。 第六章則是開發幾丁聚醣與琥珀酸成為透明的生物水膠,這樣全天然可裂解的生物水膠具有取代壓克力水膠的潛力。


Chitin, next to cellulose, is the second most abundant polysaccharide in nature; it is widely found in the exoskeletons of crustacea and insects as well as in the cell walls of fungi and algae. Prepared by the N-deacetylation of chitin, chitosan is a semi-crystalline polysaccharide constituted by N-glucosamine and N-acetyl-glucosamine units, with an amount of N-glucosamine units exceeding 50%. Since chitosan is reported to have many promising properties, the aim of this thesis is to develop and magnify chitosan as practical biomaterial. The first chapter reviewed researches done before; it is necessary to understand and have a full scope in the past and the trend of future. In the second chapter, the preparation of chitosan of different molecular weight with acetic acid and the kinetics of acid-depolymerization were discussed. The structure identification of these depolymerized chitosan is performed and its preliminary blood compatibility was also investigated. Finally, the acid-depolymerization mechanism of chitosan is proposed. In the third chapter, chitosan/γ-Poly(glutamic acid) PEC hydrogel, formed by ionic interactions, were fabricated based on several compositions by varying molar ratios of amine groups of chitosan to carboxylic acid groups of γ-PGA. Beside the physicochemical characteristics of these chitosan/γ-PGA PEC hydrogels, their physical behaviors and in vitro biological behaviors were also fully investigated. In the fourth chapter, based on the previous chapter, the in vivo evaluation was conducted to develop chitosan/γ-PGA PECs as wound dressing materials. The fifth chapter was designed to assess the in vivo epithelium tissue and muscle tissue response of chitosan/γ-PGA PECs using a rat model. We have examined several factors affecting the soft tissue response. The sixth chapter was dedicated to develop the superabsorbent hydrogel as a good mimic for extracellular matrix. The hydrogel was composed of all nature poymer, fabricated by the amide bond formation, hoping to be a replacement of acrylate-based hydrogel.


chitosan γ-PGA polyelectrolyte hydrogel biocompatibility


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