  • 學位論文


Analysis on the Influence of Production and Sales of Yi-Lan Kumquat Industry

指導教授 : 徐世勳


宜蘭天然地理條件,造就金柑成為當地獨特的農特產品,無論是作為伴手禮的鮮果或加工成蜜餞,都曾在銷售上不斷創下佳績。但隨著社會需求的改變,金柑產業卻不斷萎縮,而面臨需要轉型的階段。鑑此,為找出解決產業困境,促進轉型。本研究以問卷和訪談方式,收集農民生產和銷售的資料,來探討產銷間相互的關係。資料以敘述統計和次數分配,來說明變項間分布情形,利用顯著性檢定、相關與迴歸分析彼此間相關程度,再以SWOT分析說明。 本研究發現金柑產業面臨問題如年齡層偏高、收入低落、經營保守等,造成產業規模不斷縮減;政府積極推動農產品標章,但農民配合度不高,無法彰顯標章效益;樹齡高、種植行株距小,造成產量偏低;教育程度較低、年齡偏高和經營保守等因素,造成通路侷限且售價低廉;鮮果銷量由原本20%漸增至40%,單價由每公斤21-40元,可提升至每公斤60元以上,但卻因口感和保存運輸等問題,而無法擴大經營規模。 針對上述問題,本研究提出幾項建議:(1)產業規模縮減之結構問題,應由產、官、學等單位成立輔導平台,從生產面調整管理技術,運銷面開拓多元行銷管道。(2)運用農產品標章,鼓勵產銷班組織,在生產上推動「金柑健康管理體系」,運銷通路推行「四章一Q」標章,提升品質和售價。(3)提高產量和收入,應更新植株和保持適當行株距,以維持品質和產量,並保持積極開放心態,投入更多心力於"通路選擇"。(4)推動產業轉型,鮮果需迎合市場口感推動品種更新,加強低溫保鮮技術及分級標準化,以延長保存期限和拉大價差效益。(5)收益決定於「成本降低」和「單價提升」,是經營成敗的關鍵,需審慎加以評估。


Yilan natural geographical conditions, created the kumquat industry to become a unique local agricultural products, whether as a gift of fresh fruit box or processed into candied fruit, have been in the sales of the success of the record.But with the social environment and demand changes, kumquat industry area and output value, continue to shrink and face the urgent need for transformation stage.Therefore, in order to find a solution to the difficulties of the industry, to promote transformation and upgrading.In this study, we collected the background information of the production and sales process of the farmers in Yilan County by questionnaire and interviews, and discussed the relationship between production and marketing. The data are used to describe the distribution of variables between narrative statistics and frequency assignments, Using the significance test, the correlation regression analysis explained the degree of correlation between variables,then explain the status of SWOT analysis. This study found that the kumquat industry is faced with the following problems:for example high age、low income、conservative management concept,resulting the industrial scale is shrinking;the government is actively promoting the labeling of agricultural products, but the farmers with the Coordination degree is not higher;high tree age, planting line spacing small caused yield is not high, and low level of education, high age and operating a conservative state of mind, resulting a single channel and the low price; fresh fruit sales market ratio from 20% to 40% Unit,and price from the average of 21 to 40 NT dollars per kilogram, raised to an average of 60 NT dollars per kilogram, but because of the taste and preservation of transport problems, the scale can not to expand. In view of the above problems, the following suggestions are proposed in this study : (1)industrial scale reduction is a structural problem, should be composed of industry groups, government, and school units tutoring platform, starting from strengthening the management of production technology, development diversified marketing channels.(2)the use of government agriculturallabels benefits to encourage the strengthening of production and sales classes to start, the production of promoting the "kumquat health management system", the marketing of promoting the "four Chapter one Q" logo, synchronized to enhance the quality and price.(3)solve the output and income is low of the industry, should regularly update the plant and the line spacing larger to maintain quality and yield; and maintain a positive and open mind,put in more effort in the "markeing path selection" to profit.(4) to promote industrial restructuring, fresh fruit taste to meet market demand, with Agricultural improvement field to promote varieties of updates; to strengthening low-temperature、pre-cooling technology and grading packaging standardization, to extend the shelf life and widening spread benefits.(5) revenue is determined by the "cost reduction" and "unit price increase", is the key to success or failure, need to evaluation carefully.


呂明雄,2015。「果樹-常綠果樹(柑桔)」,臺灣農家要覽農作篇二:19-30。 行政院農業委員會。


