  • 學位論文


Heavy Metal Adsorbed Fungi for Bio-derived Electrode Materials

指導教授 : 于昌平


隨著人口急速增加,使科技與經濟發展的追求造成了許多環境問題,水資源與能源議題逐漸受到關注與重視。由於能源需求的增加與化石燃料的減少,人們開始追求低成本且可持續供應的能源,以及如何將能源更為有效地儲存並利用。電極材料在電能儲存系統中的效能佔有重要影響,透過電極之改良能大幅提升產電與儲能的效率。然而,傳統之電池廢棄物導致嚴重的環境問題,為此生物衍生材料其較為安全、經濟和環境友好的特性,被認為是可進一步研究之電極材料。 真菌可在嚴峻環境下生長,具有極高的適應性,因此被認為應用於生物處理是新穎且有潛力的方法之一。本研究透過兩種真菌分離株,分別是Fusarium solani 與 Clonostachys rosea,將其暴露於高濃度重金屬進行一系列誘導耐受性培訓,以確定通過持續暴露可培養出更大的耐受性,並觀察活真菌細胞對水中重金屬與硝酸鹽氮去除情形以及製備由真菌菌絲衍生的熱碳化電極。在培養過程中添加重金屬,於生物吸附的機制過程中摻雜金屬發揮真菌生物模板的特性,此外真菌還具有碳、氮、磷與氧等元素組成也可作為雜原子摻雜並有效地增強及改善生物質衍生電極的電化學性能。結果顯示:(1) 在經過誘導性耐受度訓練後,F. solani與C. rosea分別對鎳與鈷表現出更高的耐受性。(2) F. solani與C. rosea對於初始濃度50 mg/L的銅分別有80.33%與80.81%之去除效率。(3) F. solani與C. rosea皆可利用反硝化作用,硝酸根去除效率分別達到99.9%與98.7%。(4) 真菌生物質生長時添加選定重金屬改性真菌碳質電極,在0.1 A/g下比電容值(106.4 F/g)最高提升了2.3倍且具有良好的實驗穩定性。本研究結果證實:真菌的生物質除了可作為一種去除重金屬與硝酸鹽氮的一項多功能水處理技術,擁有良好之處理效果與永續發展的可能性,也可作為真菌熱碳化電極,並以生物模板的特性於生長過程中提升電化學效能,增加生物性衍生材料電極其運用於其他電化學處理程序之應用潛力。


With the rapid increase in population, the pursuit of technological progress and economic development has caused many environmental problems. Water resources and energy issues have gradually attracted attention. The demand for energy has increased and fossil fuels have decreased, so people have begun to pursue low-cost and sustainable supply of energy, and how to store energy more efficiently. Electrode materials play an important role in the performance of electrical energy storage systems. The improvement of electrodes can greatly increase the efficiency of electricity generation and energy storage. However, traditional battery waste causes serious environmental problems. Therefore, bio-derived materials can be regarded as a relatively safe, economical and environmentally friendly electrode material. Fungi can grow in harsh environments and have extremely high adaptability, so it is considered to be one of the novel and potential methods for biological treatment. In this study, two fungal isolates, Fusarium solani and Clonostachys rosea, were exposed to high concentrations of heavy metals and conducted a series of tolerance training to determine that greater tolerance can be cultivated through continuous exposure. In addition, further studies were conducted to observe the removal of heavy metals and nitrate in living fungal cells, and to prepare thermal carbonized electrodes derived from fungal hyphae. Adding heavy metals during the cultivation process can achieve doping with metals in the process of biosorption mechanism to utilize the characteristics of fungal biological template. In addition, the fungus also has a composition of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and oxygen, which can also be used as heteroatoms to dope and effectively enhance and improve the electrochemical performance of biomass-derived electrodes. The results showed: (1) After induction of tolerance training, F. solani and C. rosea showed higher tolerance to nickel and cobalt, respectively. (2) F. solani and C. rosea had 80.33% and 80.81% removal efficiency for the initial concentration of 50 mg/L copper. (3) Both F. solani and C. rosea can utilize denitrification with nitrate removal efficiencies of 99.9% and 98.7%. (4) Adding selected heavy metals to fungal biomass can modify the fungal carbon electrode. The specific capacitance (106.4 F/g) at 0.1 A/g improved 2.3 times higher and showed good experimental stability. These results confirm that the fungal biomass can be used as a multifunctional water treatment technology to remove heavy metals and nitrate, with good treatment effects and the possibility of sustainable development, and can also be used as a fungal thermal carbonization electrode. The characteristics of biological templates are used to enhance electrochemical performance during the growth process, and increase the potential of biologically derived electrodes to be used in different electrochemical treatment procedures.


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