  • 學位論文


The Impact of Non-Cognitive Ability on Educational Achievement: An Empirical Evidence of Social, Leadership and Talent Ability

指導教授 : 黃芳玫




Non-cognitive Ability has been receiving more attention in recent years. To study non-cognitive ability, this research uses Taiwan Youth Project longitudinal data, which encompasses student responses and teacher assessments. By controlling the personal cognitive ability, such as parents characteristics, socioeconomic status and school fix effect, this research investigate the relationship between socializing behaviors (considered as non-cognitive abilities) and future educational attainment. Proxy variables and instrumental variables are applied both in OLS and Probit model. For students in the third year of junior high school, the results indicate that: 1.The number of friends has significant negative relationship with education years and the probability of college entrance; 2. Class-leader or teacher assistant will receive more education years and higher probability of college-entrance, where the teacher assistant role has the highest marginal effects; 3. Club-leader has no significant relationship with educational attainment; 4. Being assessed talented in dancing has significant negative relationship with the probability of college-entrance; 5. Being assessed talented in science has significant positive relationship with education years and the probability of college-entrance. By applying “teacher assessment on student’s characteristics” as instrumental variables for “the number of friends” and “leadership roles”, this research has contributed to find a positive relationship between socializing abilities and future educational attainment.


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