  • 學位論文


Self-Control and Consumption Behaviors: An Empirical Investigation of Taiwanese Household

指導教授 : 張宏浩


本研究主要在探討臺灣民眾自我控制的問題。有別於以往以實驗之方式來研究自我控制問題,本研究利用中華民國臺灣地區家庭收支調查報告來探討此問題,且以世代分析法(Cohort Analysis)將民國75年至民國95年之調查報告建立成追蹤資料(Panel Data),並透過經濟戶長之分類加以分析。研究過程首先先從全體經濟戶長的消費總支出來檢視自我控制問題,再將消費項目細分為飲料總支出、非酒精性飲料支出、酒精性飲料支出、菸草類支出、衣著類支出、旅遊類支出與娛樂類支出等7項支出,分別檢視自我控制問題。除了探討全體經濟戶長的消費行為外,本研究也欲檢視是否會因為天生性別不同,導致有不同的自我控制程度,故根據性別將經濟戶長區分為男、女性經濟戶長, 並檢視其消費總支出是否出現自我控制問題,隨後再將消費項目細分為飲料總支出等7項支出,分別檢視自我控制問題。 研究結果顯示,全體經濟戶長在消費總支出、飲料類支出、非酒精性飲料支出、衣著類支出、旅遊類支出以及娛樂類支出的消費行為上,容易出現自我控制問題;而男性經濟戶長在消費總支出、飲料類支出、非酒精性飲料支出、酒精性飲料支出、衣著類支出、旅遊類支出與娛樂類支出的消費行為上,較容易出現自我控制問題;而女性經濟戶長僅在消費總支出與衣著類支出的消費行為上,容易出現自我控制問題。女性經濟戶長相較於男性經濟戶長而言來的更有自我控制的能力,導致此現象的原因可能為,天生性別差異或者整體社會對於性別擁有不同的對待與期許等因素,最後導致性別間出現不同的自我控制行為。


There is a growing body of literature that has addressed the issue of self-control. However, little evidence has been shown based on the real-world data. To bridge the gap of the previous studies, this paper attempts to investigate the associations between self-control and consumption behavior of households. Several special features may set our study apart from the previous literature. First, unlike the evidence provided from experiment research, we utilized the Survey of Family Income and Expenditure in Taiwan to construct a balanced panel data set from 1986 to 2006 for cohort analysis. Second, we estimate the models not only based on the total expenditure of whole operators, but also for several detail categories of consumption items. These include drink expenditure, soft drink expenditure, alcohol drink expenditure, tobacco expenditure, clothing expenditure, travel expenditure and entertainment expenditure. In so doing, we are able to examine the extent to which self-control may differ for different consumption behaviors of households in Taiwan. Additionally, we divide operator into male and female, looking over whether their total expenditure appear the self-control problems, and then subdivide the consumption project into such seven items of expenditure as beverage total expenditure, etc., afterwards, looking over the self-control problems separately. Results of the empirical analysis show that operators, in general, suffer by the self-control problems on consumption behaviors such as total expenditure, drink expenditure, soft drink expenditure, clothing expenditure, travel expenditure and entertainment expenditure. However, male operators are apt to have self-control problems on such consumption behaviors as total expenditure, drink expenditure, soft drink expenditure, alcohol expenditure, clothing expenditure, travel expenditure and entertainment expenditure; compare to male, female operators are apt to have self-control problems only on such consumption behaviors as total expenditure and clothing expenditure. In contrast, results show that female operators tend to have more ability of self-control than male. This finding may be resulted in differences in genders or the social treatment and expectation to cause distinct self-control factors.


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