  • 學位論文


The Construction of Dreams, Body and Medical Infrastructure: Political Metaphors of Modern Chinese WuXia Novel and Science Fiction

指導教授 : 高嘉謙


本論文主要比較晚清民初與現代小說之間,知識分子在不同的政治氛圍底下,如何透過「小說」此一媒介,去探測、想像或批判現有的政治體制與社會氛圍。以「武俠」與「科幻」為出發點,看重的是兩者在晚清民初之際,皆被知識分子挪用,用以建構「身體」或作為「夢」與「科學」的投射,到了現代卻又有新的轉換,而兩者除了有自身作為類型小說的核心關懷,卻也同時指向了中國的政治現實。本論文分成三大部分: 其一、以三個關鍵字為出發點,思考「身體」、「任俠」與「醫病」作為近現代中國時代隱喻的特殊性,指出晚清知識分子在當時所提出的各種救國方向與政策如何被沿用至今,其後卻被國家所收編,衍生為國家對於個體身體、精神與人口上的管控。 其二、從晚清民初武俠小說開始,討論其中針對「身體」與「任俠」的建構,以平江不肖生《近代俠義英雄傳》(1923)與鄭證因《鷹爪王》(1941)作為民初武俠的代表,分析當中如何沿襲晚清對於「技擊」的書寫,從中體現在時代的號召之下,小說呈現「身體」與武術技藝的建構。本文接著再分析徐皓峰的數篇小說,思考其中透過建構民國「武行」小說,表達其自身對於真實武術的關懷,也在體現國家對於個人身體與精神的管控之餘,對「俠」精神的追思與緬懷。 其三、本文試圖以「夢」作為主標題來進行論述,首先提出晚清與現代的「夢」的差異,思考晚清時期的中國文人面對內憂外患之際,如何去啟動想像,期盼更為美好的未來;而在百年後的今天,當中國已開始富強之時,「造夢」又有何意義。兩個不同時代的「夢」或有所聯繫,但卻又截然不同。其後,本章以「交通工具」、「醫病」與「夢與現實」作為三大主題去進行論述,思考小說如何回應當時的「經濟建設」、「身體建構」與「精神建構」,嘗試比較晚清民初與近現代近百年來小說家如何運用「科幻」作為媒介,在各自的時空背景當中去想像中國,呈現或敘述當時的「中國夢」,並點出其背後的政治寓言。


中國夢 造夢 身體 醫病 任俠 徐皓峰 韓松


This thesis aims to compare how intellectuals between late Qing Dynasty, early Republic of China (R.O.C) and the modern era, employ “fiction” as a medium to explore, imagine or criticize the existing political system and social atmosphere, mainly through “WuXia” (Martial Arts) and “Science Fiction” genre. These two genre are used by late Qing intellectuals, to construct “body” as an imagery, or used as a projection of “dream” and “science”. However, these metaphors went through significant transformation, as the social political environment has changed in the modern era. These genres were thus used to imply or discuss China’s current political situation. This thesis includes three parts: Firstly, the thesis will focus on three keywords, mainly “Body”, “Ren Xia” (任俠Chivalrous spirit) and “Medical and Disease”, to discuss their usage as metaphors throughout the modern Chinese era (1845-2019). These three keywords played an important part in the course of history in China, as the intellectuals in late Qing Dynasty implemented policies revolving these keywords, and used them as slogans to help rebuilding the spirit and body of the people. However, after the formation of the Republic of China, the state took over these policies and slogans, and use them as means to control physical and mental state of the population. Secondly, the thesis will focus on the analysis of “Wuxia” novel. Heroes of Chivalry in Modern Times by Ping Jiang Bu Xiao Sheng (平江不肖生《近代俠義英雄傳》) and Eagle Claw King by Zheng Zheng Yin (鄭證因《鷹爪王》) are two of the most well-known “WuXia” novel at the early R.O.C era, and both depicts the rebuilding of “body” and “chivalrous spirit” during that period. The thesis will then compare them with novels written by Xu Hao Feng (徐皓峰), which express its concern for “real” martial arts, and reflects on the state’s control of individual body and spirit, through recreating the R.O.C martial art environment. Thirdly, “dream” will act as the keyword in the discussion on Sci-Fi. The thesis will first discuss the differences between the meaning of “dreams” in the late Qing Dynasty and the modern times, whereby the literati in the late Qing Dynasty used it to start their imaginations in the face of internal and external problems, hoping for better future; while a century later, China is using the same term, when the country is starting to prosper. The “dream” between these two periods are innately different, and yet they share the same concern in some ways. On the later part of this chapter, the thesis will focus on three main themes which includes “transportation”, “medicine-disease” and “dream-reality”, and considers how Sci-Fi responds to the economic, physical and spiritual construction during their time respectively. While literati used Sci-Fi to represent “hope” during the late Qing Dynasty, China’s “sci-fi fever” in the recent years is inextricably linked with the political imagination of the “Chinese dream”.


[清] 林紓:《畏廬小品》,北京:北京,1998年。
