  • 學位論文


An Analysis about The Political Economy of Airport MRT Policy

指導教授 : 夏鑄九


在台北地區捷運系統計畫中,中正機場捷運線係屬台北地區捷運計畫遠期路網之紫線,依照計畫執行期程,同列遠期路網的捷運新莊線、蘆洲線工程由政府編列預算於2001年發包,但是機場捷運線卻有完全不同的執行路徑。 1988年台北最早的兩條捷運線—淡水線、木柵線甫完成工程發包,新交通捷運公司即於同年提出中正機場捷運線之民間申請興建案,計畫引進日本捷運技術,規劃路線經台北縣非都市計畫土地,預計以開發沿線土地之獲利支應捷運開發經費。當時台灣尚未有公共工程BOT執行經驗,且相關法令付之闕如,因此新交通公司透過立法委員運作,在〈大眾捷運法〉中訂定民間參與法條,另訂定相關子法規範實施方式,該申請案雖然經政府審查多年,最後仍在相關法令太過粗糙無法據以實施的情況下不了了之。 1990年代中期,一方面為回應國際社會要求開放國內政府採購市場,一方面為活絡國內游資並擴大內需以提升總體經濟,政府首次提出以BOT方式興建公共設施之計畫,由於機場捷運列於在亞太營運中心計畫下,因此成為政府優先以BOT方式執行之計畫,經過五家投標廠商激烈競爭,長生國際公司規劃在沿線劃設公辦民營區段徵收區,以土地開發獲利挹注捷運建設經費的創意下,雖遊走法令灰色地帶,但仍獲評審青睞而勝出,歷經長達5年的規劃作業,長生案最後因長億集團發生財務困難而致議約破局;2003年民進黨政府立即宣布改由政府自費興建,當時交通官僚對路線規劃有不同看法,但在地方民意代表壓倒性的聲勢下,最後仍採長生路線並擴大機場捷運規模。 機場捷運計畫乃包裹龐大土地開發利益之大型計畫,長生公司打造的機場捷運計畫,乃在台北都會區之密集人口條件下,以捷運開發非都市土地,引進住戶增加乘客。其策略乃沿著台北縣政府市地重劃區範圍劃設大面積區段徵收地區,將台北縣政府與沿線眾地主形成之成長機器納入計畫,而沿線土地提高之價值則納入財務計畫,獲利由地方成長機器、長生公司與捷運工程共享。雖然長生案終告破局,長生打造的計畫仍在地方成長機器的政治力量下,改以政府自費興建形式執行。


CKS airport MRT is the purple line of long term network of Taipei MRT system plan. According to plan executive schedule, engineering of Hsinjuan line, Loujou line, which is long term network as well, were contracted in 2001. But CKS airport MRT has absolutely different executive route. As the first two MRT lines, Danshui line and Muzha line, engineering were contracted in 1988, New Traffic Transit applied private investment project of CKS MRT line at the same time. NTT planned to introduce rapid transit technology of Japan, the planning route passed through suburban area of Taipei County. The raising value of property development of along line would pay for the cost of CKS MRT line engineering. Since the government had no experience of BOT public infrastructure then, and there was no act of executing BOT. NTT lobbied some legislators to legislate related acts, they proposed legal provisions of private participation in infrastructure in the MRT Act, and the Ministry of Transportation and Communications set related regulation. The government reviewed NTT’s proposal for several years, according briefly and rough relative codes, and resulted fail finally. In mid 1990s, the first aim is to response the request of opening domestic government procurement of international society, secondly, to activate domestic idle funds and to enlarge domestic demand and raise macroeconomic. This is the first time that government proposed to construct public infrastructure with BOT, Since CKS MRT line was under the Asia-pacific project. After fierce concession tendering of five companies, Changsheng co., planning several zone expropriation areas with public-private participation, win by the creative idea of financial program from the raising value of suburban lands along CKS MRT line. Passing by grey belt of law, the proposal of Changsheng co. was appreciated by the Accreditation members. Although Changsheng co. had finished the project after five years, the contract discussing with government failed for the bankrupt of Changyi group. In 2003, DPP government announced that CKS MRT line would be constructed by government. Since the traffic bureaucracy held different point of view of Changsheng’s planning line, under the overwhelming pressure by local representatives, the government took Changsheng’s planning line finally and enlarged the scale of CKS MRT project. CKS MRT line was a mega project including huge profit, Changsheng’ project was based on dense population on Taipei metropolitan. It would reduce residences and passengers along CKS MRT line by developing suburban lands. Its strategy was to designate huge scope of zone expropriation areas, to include Taipei County and land owners along line into project. The raising profit of land prices was part of financial plan, and was shared by local growth machine, Changsheng Co. and MRT engineering. Although Changsheng project failed at the end, under the local political power pressure, it was still executed in another way, by government.


airport link stakeholder mega project growth machine


黃玉霖,王文宇(2003)各類型民間參與公共建設案件執行成效之調查與分析。台北市 : 行政院公共工程委員會。
彭素玲(2003)921 大地震對台灣經濟實質面影響之評估。[Online] Available: db1.sinica.edu.tw/~textdb/test/921eq/txt/O0001/40337.doc(2007.10.21)
