  • 學位論文


The influence on team innovation and cohesion by humor leadership and team conflict

指導教授 : 洪英正
共同指導教授 : 張敬珣(Ching-Hsun Chang)


金融海嘯發生至今,全球競爭發展愈劇,企業開始思索與著重於創新,職場走向專業分工,必須仰賴團隊力量,而團隊要有凝聚力,才能發揮相互合作精神。幽默感是職場的潤滑劑,它可以增進人際關係,紓解尷尬和挫折時的負面情緒,有幽默感的人,在職場上是贏家,較容易親近且可與團隊共同面對挑戰,Avolio et al.(1999)指出若領導者的使用幽默的方式會產生出較高的員工承諾、團結向心力與績效,Muhammad Irbaz Khan(2010)則指出幽默能強化在生產力和效率。而當組織發生衝突情況時會影響到團隊成員的工作氣氛,進而使工作效率低落,並導致組織效能下降,因此領導被賦予的意義,就是要帶領組織做「對」的事,作「對」的決策,但要有效處理衝突,並將負面影響轉換成正面力量,正是企業必須學習到的重要課題,Cooperrider(2005)認為領導的元素和衝突的包容性提高了員工對組織的參與感並增強創新和承諾的因素。 本研究以國內各大企業、機構之工作者為對象,以便利抽樣的方式發放問卷,共發放230份問卷,回收225份有效問卷,有效回收率約為98%。研究結果發現︰ 1.幽默領導行為與團隊衝突無顯著關係。 2.幽默領導行為與團隊衝突對團隊創新有顯著影響,其中幽默領導行為對團隊創新有正向顯著影響,團隊衝突對團隊創新則有負向顯著影響。 3.幽默領導行為與團隊衝突對團隊凝聚力有顯著影響,其中幽默領導行為對團隊凝聚力有正向顯著影響,團隊衝突對團隊凝聚力則有負向顯著影響。 4.領導者在幽默領導行為與團隊衝突之不同,會在團隊創新上有顯著差異。 5.領導者在幽默領導行為與團隊衝突之不同,會在團隊凝聚力上有顯著差異。 6.員工在部分人口統計變項之不同,會在幽默領導行為、團隊衝突、團隊創新、團隊凝聚力上有顯著差異。 本研究透過幽默領導與團隊衝突之相關分析結果得知,擁有高度幽默領導風格之主管在對於團隊衝突的化解,雖不必然高於低度幽默領導風格的主管,但善用幽默領導必能有助於降低衝突事件,對團隊間創新能力與凝聚力的有其正向影響。


In light of the financial tsunami, competitions around the global become fiercer. Companies around the world continue devoting themselves to innovation, adopt the model of professional division of labor, and rely more on teamwork and team cohesion is to the key to the success of the business. Using humor as a business lubricant can help improve interpersonal relationships, make light in an awkward situation, and ill feelings. People with a good sense of humor are already in a winning position, easier to get along with and always ready to tackle challenges with their team. Avolio et al.(1999)had pointed out that a leader with humor leadership will facilitate higher employees’ commitment, cohesion and performance. Muhammad Irbaz Khan(2010) found that humor leadership can improve productivity and efficacy. Team conflict can result in an unfavorable work environment and thereby has a negative impact on work efficiency and the productivity of an organization. Leaders are to lead an organization to do “right” things and make “correct” decisions and, at the same time, to deal with conflicts effectively and efficiently. How to turn a negative force to positive energy is an important lesson what each business must learn. Cooperrider(2005) claimed that the elements of leadership and endurance of conflict can enhance employees’ participation and increase their innovation and commitment. The survey of this study was distributed to 230 individuals serving at various local companies by using the method of convenience sampling and a total of 225 questionnaires were returned. The results of the study indicate the followings: 1. Humor leadership is not significantly related to team conflict. 2. There is a significant positive influence on team innovation by humor leadership , but there is a significant negative influence on team innovation by team conflict . 3. There is a significant positive influence on team cohesion by humor leadership , but there is a significant negative influence on team cohesion by team conflict . 4. Different humor leadership and team conflict make a significant difference in team innovation. 5. Different humor leadership and team conflict make a significant difference in team cohesion. 6. Various demographic groups makes partial significant difference on humor leadership, team conflict, team innovation, and team cohesion. According to the results of the study on humor leadership and team conflict, it is to say that although the management with a higher humor is not inevitable to possess a better ability to cope with team conflicts than that with a lower sense of humor. But by this study we know that leading and managing an organization with a sense of humor can, without a doubt, help decreasing the team conflict and improving the impact on team innovation and team cohesion.


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