  • 學位論文


Cloud-based Childcare Contact Book Design and Implementation

指導教授 : 潘孟鉉


隨著臺灣雙薪家庭數量逐年攀升的趨勢,許多家庭因為父母雙方平日工作繁忙,選擇將他們學齡前的小孩交付給保母托育,保母與家長間的溝通重要性可見一斑。保母除了需要遵照衛福部相關規定紀錄小孩的日常狀況,仍須製作小孩成長歷程,在傳統使用紙本聯絡本的方式下,除了要照顧小孩,還需要耗費額外時間動手填寫,勞心勞力,保母家長雙方的溝通效率也很差。因此本論文透過設計線上托育聯絡本 — BabeWithYou來解決上述的溝通效率問題、減輕保母日常作業負擔。我們以按鈕式的表單設計便利快速填寫常用內容、每日排程推播通知來提醒保母填寫聯絡本或提醒家長查看聯絡本、加入托藥單表單增進小孩托育期間的用藥安全、提供小孩日常生活圖片、影片上傳並整合聯絡本匯出成 PDF 供家長收藏,除了降低保母負擔,更提升家長對小孩托育相關資訊的能見度。為了支援這些功能,我們在 AWS平台上搭配相關技術的輔助下建立可靠的後端系統,確保使用者資料可以永續留存,同時為了維持系統穩定,將請求根據所需的系統計算資源分成同步與非同步的處理方式。為了確保BabeWithYou 可以長久服務家長與保母,我們分析了以往的使用狀況後採納了對應的幾項成本節省策略,並成功降低接近60% 的每月費用。BabeWithYou 至今已累積有將近 5000 名的使用者,當中包含了 2200 名每月活躍使用者及 1000 的每日活躍使用者,也獲的許多使用者的正向回饋,並期待可以往更廣的服務範圍如小學、補習班推廣。在手機應用介面上還能再更近一步提升保母填寫效率、根據填寫內容設計更直覺的操作方式,我們會再收集並分析更多使用者的回饋來改善。


聯絡本 雲端


As the number of double-paying families in Taiwan climbs year by year, many families deliver their preschool children to nannies for childcare because both parents are busy working on weekdays. The importance of communication between childcare and parents is thus obvious. In addition to observing the daily conditions of children in accordance with the relevant regulations of the Ministry of Health and Welfare in Taiwan, nannies are as well required to make a child's growth history. In the traditional method of using a paper contact book, in addition to taking care of the children, it also takes extra time to fill in. The communication efficiency between the two parties is as a result degraded. Therefore, this thesis solves the aforementioned communication efficiency problems and reduces the daily work load of nannies by designing a cloud-based childcare contact book, BabeWithYou. We use a button-based form design to facilitate the quick filling of commonly used content, daily scheduled push notifications to remind nannies of filling out the contact book or remind parents of viewing the contact book, add a medicine list form to improve the safety of medication during child care, and provide daily life pictures and videos upload and integrated contact book export to PDF for parents to collect. Furthermore reduce the burden of nannies and improve parents' visibility of child care related information. In order to support these functions, we have established a reliable back-end system with the assistance of related technologies on AWS to ensure that user data can be durable and persisted. At the same time, in order to maintain system stability, requests are divided into synchronous and a synchronous according to the required system computing resources. In order to ensure that BabeWithYou can serve parents and nannies for a long time, we analyzed the past usage and employed several corresponding cost-saving strategies, and successfully reduced monthly costs by nearly 60%. BabeWithYou has accumulated nearly 5,000 users so far, including 2200 monthly active users and 1,000 daily active users approximately. It has also received positive feedback from many users and looks forward to a wider range of services such as elementary school and cram school. On the mobile phone application interface, we can further improve the fill-in efficiency of nannies and design a more intuitive operation method based on the content. We will collect and analyze more user feedback to improve it.


contactbook cloud


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