  • 學位論文


A study of Cosmetics On-Line Shopping Satisfaction

指導教授 : 張俊惠


由於網路使用人口的快速增加及美容保養產品的快速成長,網購化妝品已成為新型態的消費模式。但是台灣美容保養產品為主的電子商店退出率高達18.04%,顯示販售美容保養品為主的業者競爭相當激烈,經營非常不容易。對於業者而言要如何達到損益兩平,滅少商店退出比例,乃是網購化妝品業者最應關注的行銷課題。 本研究係以修正 ACSI 指標(American Customer Satisfaction Index)作為本研究主要的研究架構。希望藉由探討知覺犧牲、顧客期望與知覺品質,三項網購滿意的前因變數,以了解何者為網購化妝品滿意之關鍵因子。並進一步驗證網購滿意是否會導致網購忠誠的發生。 本研究針對曾經有網購經驗的消費者做為研究對象,但是不包括經由網路拍賣(C2C)購買產品。對於研究對象進行人員紙本發放或網路問卷的施測。主要以結構方程式模式(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)及SPSS10.0進行資料分析,研究結論與發現描述如下: 一、 掌握滿意度是網購化妝品業者成功的關鍵 二、 顧客期望乃是網購滿意的重要基石


Since the high growth rate of on-line shopping population, to buy cosmetics through on-line shops becomes a very new and fashion way in Taiwan’s cosmetics market. But on-line shops selling cosmetics compete in a very struggle environment with withdraw rate 18.04%. How to reach the break-even point and reduce the withdraw rate has become the more concern topic for all the on-line shops that sell cosmetics. This study uses the revised ACSI model as the research framework. To verify the impacts of perceived sacrifice, customer expectation and perceived quality on on-line shopping cosmetic satisfaction, and try to find out which is the key antecedent of e-customer satisfaction. Besides, this study also examines the relationship between e-customer satisfaction and e-customer loyalty. The survey data were collected from 303 customers who have the purchasing experience through on-line cosmetics stores, and the data were analyzed by the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). This study has two major findings: 1.E-customer satisfaction is the key successful factor in Taiwan’s on-line cosmetics market. 2.Customer expectation is the most important antecedent of e-customer satisfaction.


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游竣吉(2012)。探討網購美妝保養品消費者行為之研究 -以ERH公司為例〔碩士論文,國立臺北科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6841/NTUT.2012.00195
