  • 學位論文


The effect of on-line comments on purchase intention

指導教授 : 李培齊


本論文以質性研究的方式訪談消費者對於網路評價(包括:網路口碑、網紅推薦和業配文)所抱持的態度是否會影響購物意願,分析結果包括: 1.網路口碑對購買意願有正向的影響關係,當消費者做購買決策時,不管是網路評價口碑或親朋好友推薦都扮演著關鍵性角色。 2.網紅推薦對購買意願有正向影響關係,網紅帶給消費者的不僅是為產品解說,也是產品形象代表,執行網紅行銷策略散發出的吸引力是關鍵。 3.業配文對購買意願有正向影響關係,但如何去除業配的商業化性質,讓更多消費者可以心甘情願接受行銷行為,本文將提供解決方案。 4.如何讓正向影響關係延續:業者必須建立內部運作機制,以快速回應負面口碑,以及重視顧客關係,讓消費者有愉快的消費經驗,達到永續經營。 5.如何避免可能的缺點:網路評價除了正向影響關係外,仍有其他缺點,業者應增加產品資訊內容,透過詳細的說明來增加說服力,並且清楚標示該網路評價是否跟評價者有對價關係,避免使消費者產生不信任感。


網路口碑 網紅 業配文 購買意願


This study aims to investigate the influence of online commentaries, including online word- of- mouth, KOLs, and sponsored posts, on customers’ purchase decisions through qualitative research. The results include, 1.For the majority of consumers, both online word-of-mouth and recommendations from relatives and friends play a significant role in making a positive purchase decision. 2.KOLs have a positive influence on purchase decisions. They not only offer the introduction of products, but they are also regarded as a representative of product image. It’s essential to launch an appealing KOL marketing strategy. 3.Sponsored posts have a positive influence on purchase decisions. However, how to eliminate the commercial purpose, thereby increasing purchase willingness? This study will provide practical solutions. 4.How to continue the positiveness between marketing strategies and purchase willingness? Businesses need to establish internal operating mechanisms in order to response negative feedbacks promptly, as well as maintain relationship with customers to create a pleasant consumer experience, thereby achieving sustainable development. 5.How to avoid potential drawbacks? As there are inevitable disadvantages of online commentaries, businesses should provide a clear description not only on products, but also on the explanation of the commercial connection between KOLs and the feedbacks they provide. In this way, consumers can develop a long-term and stronger trust with businesses.


3.江義平、蔡坤宏、黃耀德 (2015)〈網路口碑行銷效果探究-以經驗品為例〉,中原企管評論,第十三卷第二期,pp.33-64
