  • 學位論文


A Study of Learning Style of College Students and Teaching Strategies bases on the Different of Academic Disciplines

指導教授 : 顧大維


本研究旨在了解各學門大一生的學習風格分佈情形,探討大一學生所屬學門與其學習風格之關係,並了解各學門教師教學策略之運用情形,以探究教師採用的教學策略與學生的學習風格是否相符。此外,研究結果另也供教師了解學生的學習特質並提供合適的教學策略作為其教學上參考之依據。 研究中以Felder與Silverman的學習風格理論為基礎,並選用Felder與Soloman所發展的ILS學習風格量表,將學生的學習風格分為四大面向與八種學習風格類型(主動/反思型、感受/直覺型、圖像視覺/口語文字型、循序/總體型)。 本研究以淡江大學淡水校區大一學生為研究對象,針對七大學院共計4692名大一學生進行線上學習風格量表施測,藉以了解各學門大一學生的學習風格分佈情形。並且,在教師教學策略運用部分則針對各學門中曾獲選「優良教師」,且目前正教授大一學生之教師,採取立意抽樣的方式進行訪談,並將訪談結果與學生的學習風格量表施測結果進行比對,以了解其教學策略的運用與學生的學習風格是否契合。 經由研究的實施,依本研究所擬定之研究問題,依序將研究結果呈述如下: 1.所有學門大一生之學習風格分佈多落於「平衡型」,然而在學習感官面向的分佈則以「圖像視覺型」遠多於「口語文字型」。 2.大一生於四個學習風格面向的分佈皆因學門的不同而有所差異: (1)學習態度面向:外語學院中屬於「主動型」的學生較其他學院為多,管理學院中屬於「反思型」的學生較其他學院為多。 (2)學習方式面向:商學院及理學院中屬於「直覺型」的學生較其他學院為少,外語學院中屬於「直覺型」的學生較其他學院為多;而屬於「感受型」的學生則較其他學院為少,教育學院中屬於「直覺型」的學生較其他學院為多。 (3)學習感官面向:外語學院中屬於「圖像視覺型」的學生較其他學院為多,文學院與管理學院中屬於「圖像視覺型」的學生較其他學院為少。 (4)學習思考模式面向:外語學院中屬於「總體型」的學生較其他學院為多;而屬於「循序型」的學生則少於其他學院,理學院中屬於「循序型」的學生則較其他學院為多;而屬於「總體型」的學生較其他學院為少。 3.各學門教師於教學上能運用示範、舉例以及提供實物等教學策略,與學生於學習方式及學習思考模式面向之傾向尚相符。 4.部分學門教師因課程性質及課程進度之限制,在教學上以口頭講述式為主,無法安排其他教學活動,因此其所運用的教學策略與學生於學習態度與學習感官面向之傾向不符。 除上述研究結果外,本研究另針對一般背景變項「性別」進行大一生學習風格的探究, 研究結果發現除了學習態度面向之外,性別於學習方式、學習感官以及學習思考模式等三個面向間皆存有顯著差異: 1.學習方式面向:屬於「感受型」的學生以女性較男性為多,而屬於「直覺型」的學生以男性較女性為多。 2.學習感官面向:屬於「圖像視覺型」的學生以男性較女性為多,而屬於「口語文字型」以女性較男性為多。 3.學習思考模式面向:屬於「總體型」的學生以男性較女性為多。 然而,由於淡江大學學院之分類與它所大學相較之下有所不同,就研究結果一致性而言可能產生一些差異,建議未來在研究控制上,可依學科性質相似的學系或參考學科分類標準以作學院的區分,藉以確保研究結果的準確度。


The purpose of this study is to investigate the correlation of learning styles of college freshmen based on academic discipline differences, and to understand whether the teachers apply instructional strategies among different academic disciplines matching the learning style of students or not. The results of this study allow instructors to understand the individual differences of students, and provide appropriate guideline of instructional strategies during teaching. The participants are the freshmen in Tamkang Uiversity, including 4692 students in seven colleges, and use on-line Felder and Soloman’s Index of Learning Styles as the instrument to measure the distribution of students’ learning styles. In addition, a purposive sampling was also adopted to select interviewes with the teachers who have received the “Best Instructor” awards and also teach freshmen courses in this semester from each college. The interview results will be compared with the learning styles of the students’ to find out if the instructional strategies matched with the learning style of students. According to the study questions, the results present as following: 1.The overall learning styles of all freshmen in different academic disciplines are quite balance; however, in the dimension of learning sense, visual students are dominate in all the discipline fields. 2.Comparing based on academic diademic disciplines, the preference of learning styles do have differences between them. (1)Learning attitude dimension:Active students in college of foreign language are more than other colleges, and reflective students in college of management are more than other colleges. (2)Learning type dimension:Intuitive students in college of business and science are less than other colleges. In college of foreign language college, intuitive students are more than other colleges and sensing students are less than other colleges. Intuitive students in education college, intuitive students are also more than other colleges. (3)Learning sense dimension:Visual students in college of foreign language are more than others, but in college of liberal arts and management, visual students are less than others. (4)Learning thinking dimension:Global students in college of foreign language are more than other colleges, but sequential students are less than other colleges. Sequential students in college of science are more than other colleges, but global students are less than other colleges. 3.In most colleges, instructors provide some instructional strategies such as demonstration, giving an example, and showing process and procedures, and that seem match with students’ preferences in their learning type and thinking. 4.Due to the course nature and course schedules, some colleges are difficult to arrange to many in course activities, and lecture type strategy is used mostly.They may mismatch with students’ preferences in learning attitude and learning sense. In addition, the relationship between genders and learning styles are also reported. Except the learning attitude dimension, there are significant differences among other learning style dimensions: 1. Learning type dimension:In sensing learning style, female students are more than male students, and in intuitive learning style, male students are more than female students. 2. Learning sense dimension:In visual learning style, male students are more than female students, and in verbal learning style, male students are more than female students. 3. Learning thinking dimension:In global learning style, male students are more than female students.


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黃裕雄(2013)。遊戲式學習對於不同學習風格者成語學習成效之影響-以Sifteo Cubes為例〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2013.00092
