  • 學位論文


A Case Study of Faculty Learning Communities in Tamkang University

指導教授 : 陳錫珍


本研究旨在探討個案學校教師社群之組成背景及運作情形、教師參與動機、教師學習社群對於教師專業發展的影響,進而分析個案學校教師學習社群運作之困境,最後根據研究結果提出相關建議。 本研究採質性研究法,以深度訪談主,輔以文件分析,以立意取樣訪談99學年度參與教師學習社群之2位主領教師、6位教師成員,及1位行政人員。根據研究結果,得到以下結論: 壹、淡江大學教師社群之組成背景及運作情形 一、「由系所主導成立」及「由教師自行組成」為淡江大學教師學習社群組成的兩種組成方式; 二、淡江大學教師學習社群成員由單一系所,或兩系合作組成,主領教師皆為教授、副教授,並且以助理教授為主力; 三、淡江大學教師學習社群積極與外界進行學術交流,少有教與學的研究成果產出; 四、淡江大學教師學習社群之運作環境具有能長期經營之條件。 貳、淡江大學教師參與學習社群的動機 一、「想與同僚建立橫向的聯繫」、「想要進行教學分享」、「想與同儕進行合作學習」、「基於研究的需求」為淡江大學教師學習社群參與教師的參與動機; 二、由系所安排參與的淡江大學教師學習社群教師參與動機薄弱;自主參與的淡江大學教師學習社群參與教師參與動機強烈; 三、個人需求與學習社群主題相符者,參與動機較強。 參、淡江大學教師學習社群對教師的影響 一、「藉教學分享,增進教學能力」、「精進教師教學策略」、「協助教師充實教學內容」、「協助教師更了解學生需求」為淡江大學教師學習社群對於教師教學專業能力與知識的影響; 二、「尋求戰友,勇於面對八年條款」、「跨領域交流,激發學術火花」、「建立研究環境人脈及資訊流通管道」為淡江大學教師學習社群對於教師研究專業能力與知識的影響; 三、淡江大學教師學習社群對於教師的影響與教師參與動機相吻合。 肆、淡江大學教師學習社群運作之困境 一、淡江大學教師學習社群於制度管理層面遭遇「資源受限」、「教學抑或研究主題選擇兩難」之困境; 二、淡江大學教師學習社群於社群內部經營遭遇「資深教師參與熱忱呈現兩極化」、「缺乏自我檢視與專業引導」、「社群成果難以具體呈現」之困境。


A. This study aims are (1)To explore the background of forming Faculty Learning Community(FLC ), the operation of the FLCs in case school; (2) To investigate the motivations of the members involved; (3) To investigate the influences of FLCs on community members’ professional development; (4) To analyze the operation plights of FLCs in case school; (5) To offer some related suggestions according to study results. B. This study is adopted from the qualitative research methods which are based on the information obtained from the main deep interviews and documentary analysis. In the sampling study of FLCs in academic year of 99 in case school, two leaders, eight community members and one staff who undertake community business are selected. C. The main findings of this study are as the following: I. The background of forming FLCs and the operation of the FLCs in case school 1.The ways of the FLCs’ members composing in Tamkang University are both established by the Department and formed by community members themselves. 2. FLCs members in Tamkang University are composed of a single Department or two Departments whose leaders are all professors or associate professors. Assistant professors are the main members. 3.The FLCs of Tamkang university engage mostly in academic exchange with the outside world, but not many “Scholarship of Teaching and Learning(SoTL) ” are brought out. 4.The operational environment of FLCs in Tamkang University has long-term management factors. II. The participating motivations of FLCs members in Tamkang University include: 1. The ideas: (1)To acquire a horizontal contacts with colleagues; (2)To share about teaching; (3)To cooperate the learning with peers; (4) To base on the needs of individual research. 2. The weak motivations Vs the strong ones : The motivations of the community members who are arranged to attend FLCs by the Department are weaker than the ones who themselves are strongly willing to attend FLCs. 3. The motivation will be showed stronger when the individual needs match the FLC’s theme. III. The influences on faculties’ professional competence and knowledge from FLC in Tamkang University 1. The influences on faculties’ teaching ability and knowledge include: (1) By teaching sharing to improve their teaching abilities; (2) The enhancement of their teaching strategies; (3) The supports of faculties to enrich the teaching content; (4) To understand the needs of students better. 2. The influences on faculties’ researching ability and knowledge on include: (1) By seeking the parners to face the eight terms courageously; (2) Communicating cross-disciplines to stimulate the spark of academy; (3) Keeping contact with people to make themselves informed of what's happening around in the academic world. 3. The correspondence with the community members’ motivations. IV. The operational plights of FLCs in case school 1. The plights of the management system show the limited resources , the dilemma of selecting teaching themes and research topics. 2.The plights of the internal operation show the division from the senior teachers’ participation and enthusiasm, the lack of self-examination and the professional guide and the difficulties of outcomes embodied.


高博銓(2009) 。學校教師學習社群發展的個案研究。師資培育與教師專業發展期刊,2(1),61-74。
