  • 學位論文


Research on the Government Procurement Procedure:the Case of the Council of Agriculture (COA)

指導教授 : 黃一峯


我國政府採購法自民國88年5月27日施行迄今已屆滿十年,其間經歷三次修正,整個政府採購法令除本法及其施行細則,尚包括44項子法、及多項相關作業規定等,主管機關截至目前函釋(示)政府採購相關法令多達2千多則,採購制度在國內之發展雖已愈臻成熟,但也亦趨繁複龐雜,現階段由於主管機關尚未建立一套標準採購作業程序,統一規範各項採購措施,政府採購案實務上係依據前揭數十種法令執行,使得採購機關-政府機關、公立學校、公營事業等莫不紛紛自訂採購作業程序規則,以利遵行。 本研究以行政院農業委員會為主要研究對象,以文獻探討法、問卷調查法及深度訪談法之三角研究方法,探討採購組織、採購作業分工及採購績效三個構面之關聯及其因果關係。問卷調查採用因素分析、皮爾森及單因子變因數分析、複迴歸分析等探討各變數間的關係。研究結果發現:1.研究母體各機關之採購作業模式呈現分岐現象2.採購組織與採購作業分工具有中度正相關3.採購組織與採購績效具有中度正相關4.採購作業分工與採購績效則具有高度正相關5.對採購績效最具預測力之變項為採購作業分工。 政府每年採購金額龐大,採購績效攸關政府施政成果,目前國內諸多機關在執行採購作業時,時有購案執行程序過於繁複、或尚未建立標準作業程序,致生延宕採購時效,延誤購案進度、採購績效低落等問題,原因之一乃係國內尚無一套完整的政府採購作業模式。茲具問卷調查結果並透過訪談實證結論及文獻理論佐證分析後,試圖建構最適之採購作業模式,俾供採購機關執行購案或主管機關修訂法令之參酌,以提升採購績效。


Taiwan government procurement act on May 27, 1999 expiration of ten years have been implemented, and has amended three times during the experience. The act is apart from the entire decree on government procurement law and its enforcement rule; also include 44 sub-laws and a number of provisions related to operation. The competent authority explains and issues the government procurement related laws that are more than two thousand items. The procurement system in Taiwan has been the development of more sophisticated validation, but also more complicated complex. Nowadays the competent authority at this stage has not yet been established as a result of a set of standard operating procedures for procurement, and has not the procurement of standardized measures. In the past the case of government procurement practice is based on dozens of laws to implement the aforementioned. These methods cause that procurement agencies that are government organizations, public schools and public utilities probably have to customize the rules of procurement procedures to facilitate the implementation of procurement. The main study target is the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan of Taiwan. The study uses literature review act, questionnaire method, and the triangle research method of In-depth interview method and discusses three dimensions of relatedness which is procurement organization, procurement division and procurement performance to gain causal relationship. The study using factor analysis, Pearson and the one-variable factor analysis, multiple regression analysis to explore the relationship between the variables. The result of study is as follow: 1. The operating modes of procurement authority of study population have differences phenomenon. 2. Procurement organizations and procurement division have a moderate positive correlation. 3. Procurement organizations and procurement performance have a moderate positive correlation. 4. Procurement and procurement performance of the division of labor have a high positive correlation. 5. Procurement performance of the most predictive power of the variables is for the procurement of operating division. The size of the Taiwan Government's annual procurement is so huge, and government procurement policy related to the performance results. At present, many authorities in the implementation of procurement operations are too complicated, or not the establishment of standard operating procedures. The problems will cause extension of the limitation of procurement swing, delays in the progress of purchase, and low performance. One of the reasons is the competent authority has not a complete operation procedure of domestic government procurement practices. The study adopts the results of a questionnaire survey and empirical conclusions through interviews and attempts to construct the optimal mode of operation of the procurement. It wills assistances to supply the implementation of the procurement agencies to execute procurement or reference for the competent authority modifies laws and decrees, and enhances procurement performance.


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