  • 學位論文


The Critical Factors of the Consumer Purchase for LCD-TV –the Consumer Value Point

指導教授 : 陳定國


在近幾年全世界主要液晶電視用面板廠商擴展新一代的生產廠房下,使大尺吋液晶面板生產成本下降,促使液晶電視價格下降不再是消費者遙不可及的產品。由於具有薄型化及輕盈等優點,液晶電視是最具有取代傳統映像管電視(CRT)的新一代產品。近幾年來每有世界大型運動賽事(如2006世界杯足球賽),因液晶電視因具有高畫質的數位顯像功能,成為液晶電視廠商主打的行銷時點。在廠商對市場高度期待下,大力擴廠生產,但液晶電視仍然未在每個家庭中普及,因而成2006年全世界面板廠商獲利不如預期的命運,顯示廠商及消費者購買意願中,存在著相當大的落差。 本研究從消費者觀點,實證調查消費者購買液晶電視的消費價值因素。從市場區隔變數與消費價值因素的關係,尋找主要影響消費者購買液晶電視的重要原因。本調查蒐集1037分樣本,建立資料庫,利用多變量分析技術及迴歸分析法,並輔以SPSS 12版軟體,尋找消費者購買液晶電視意願的主要因素,主要發現如下: 一、新奇性價值對於市場區隔變數中男女性的消費者比較有影響力。 二、情感性價值對於市場區隔變數中不同年齡的消費者比較有影響力。 三、消費價值五大因素在不同的地理位置具有不同的重要性。 四、新奇性、情感性及情感性因素是影響台灣民眾購買液晶電視的主要消費價值因素。  從本研究的發現明顯地提醒液晶電視銷售廠商應重視消費者心理因素,從基本的行銷策略組合4P(Price、Product、Place、Promotion)中,重新思考對消費者的行銷策略應在越來越競爭的液晶電視市場中設法提升消費者對於液晶電視的購買意願,以利一方面擴大市場,另一方面也提升企業獲利,創造雙贏的局面。


LCD-TV is no longer the untouchable product because of the panel company constantly set up new age plants and push the product cost down. LCD-TV is regarded as the new stuff to replace the traditional CRT TV, because of thin and light. In recent years, the huge sport game play (such as 2006 World Cup Soccer Game) is the best marketing timing for the LCD-TV what have High- Definition function to match the high-quality transmit contant.Under the agreessive expectation,the companies increasing their capabilitycannot result in their expected profits.Today, LCD-TV is still not yet popular in every family. It demonstrates that there is gap between the company and counsumer. This study tries to find out which factors of the counsumer value impact on the wi-llingness of the customer to buy from the consumer viewpoint.It has been continuously looking for the key elements of inflencing customer to buy LCD-TV between market variables and counsumer value factors. This study has surveyed 1037 samples by questionai-re and built database to extract the main factors by the multivariance analysis and regret-ssion analysis methods, under the help of the software SPSS 12 version. The study co-nclusion are following: 1. “Novel value” is significant in the market segmentation by gender. 2. “Emotional value” is significant in the market segmentation by gender. 3. The five main factors of consumer value have different weights in different geographies in Taiwan. 4. “Try New” , “Emotional” ,and” Situational” value are key factors to inflence Taiwan consumers to buy LCD-TV. This study suggests that the LCD-TV companies should be focusing on the psychological factors of consumers.Replanning the marketing stategy mix of 4P’s(Price、Product、Place、Promotion),and increasing consumers willingness to buy LCD-TV in the strong c-ompetitive market. In order to create double win-win condition, one action is to increase the demand capability market, and the other factor is to make more profits through ec-onomy scale.


LCD-TV Consumer value Marketing strategy


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