  • 學位論文


The economical relationship between China and Mexico

指導教授 : 熊建成


近年來中國經濟上的崛起,為了獲得工業製品所需之原物料和銷售市場,中國將目光放到了拉丁美洲,中國和拉美原物料大國如巴西、阿根廷、智利等購買了許多原物料,讓這些國家從對中國貿易中賺取不少外匯。然而同樣也是拉丁美洲大國之一的墨西哥,不但無法從對中國貿易中賺取大量外匯,反而在對中國貿易產生了貿易逆差。 來自中國廉價的工業製品,在美國的市佔率超越了墨西哥,在墨國國內市場也隨處可見「made in china」的商品。這樣的一個現象影響到墨西哥國內廠商的生計,也讓墨西哥成為最後一個簽名支持中國加入世界貿易組織的國家。 本論文試著由中國和墨西哥在經貿方面的競爭與合作關係,來討論雙方經貿關係的未來走向。藉由分析比較中、墨的產業和經營環境來看兩國在經貿競爭方面的關係,藉由墨西哥如何吸引中國投資來討論兩國在經貿方面的合作可能。


The economy of China is suddenly appearing on the horizon these years recently, in order to get the raw materials of industry products and sells market, China is putting eyes on Latin America. China has bought the raw materials from those countries which have rich raw materials, like Brazil, Argentina and Chile…, those countries have earned a lot of foreign exchange from doing trade with China. However, Mexico, a big county in Latin America, just like those countries above, not only couldn’t earn the foreign exchange from China but also has the trade deficit with China. The market of the cheap industry products from China in the United States is bigger than from Mexico, and in the market of Mexico the “made in China” products are everywhere as well. This kind of situation is affecting the businesses of the factories in Mexico, also made Mexico becoming the last country to sign to support China to join the world trade organization. This thesis is trying to through the economical competitive and cooperative relationship with China and Mexico to discuss their way of economic relation in the future. On the strength of analysis and contrast, China and Mexico, their industries and the environment to operate them, to find out the possibility that how can Mexico do to get the investment from China and their cooperation of the trade.


