  • 學位論文


The Research for Abe’s Japan National Strategy

指導教授 : 胡慶山


安倍晉三是日本自由民主黨籍政治人物,現任日本內閣總理大臣、自由民主黨總裁(第25任),以及日本眾議院議員。安倍曾於2006年至2007年擔任自由民主黨總裁(第21任)與內閣總理大臣(第90任),但僅擔任一年就以健康理由辭職。後於於2012年底再次上台後,以復甦經濟重建強大的日本,並積極修復民主黨政權時代所丟失美國與日本之間的關係,同時接連走訪東南亞國協希望向世界展示出日本的存在感,另日本將採行積極的和平主義,並將此做為外交與安全保障政策核心。 安倍於2016年參議院改選與2017年眾議院大選皆率領日本自民黨獲勝,在2017年眾議院大選後,安倍成為平成時代以來第二位達成三連任;日本國憲法頒布後繼吉田茂第二位擔任四屆內閣的日本總理大臣,同時亦是1885年日本改為內閣制後第三位達成四任首相的政治家。 本研究將透過安倍首相本人著作與相關學者之研究、著作,瞭解安倍晉三的戰略思想、安倍晉三的修憲與安全保障戰略、安倍晉三的外交戰略、安倍晉三的社會戰略、安倍晉三的國家經濟戰略等;並敘述安倍晉三採取之國家戰略對日本國造成之影響。


Shinzo Abe is a politician of Japan’s Liberal Democrats. He is currently the Prime Minister of Japan’s Cabinet, President of the Liberal Democratic Party (25th term), and a member of the Japanese House of Representatives. Abe was the president of the Liberal Democratic Party (21st) and the Prime Minister of the Cabinet (90th) from 2006 to 2007, but he resigned for health reasons only after a year. After he took office again at the end of 2012, he rebuilt the powerful Japan with a recovery economy and actively repaired the lost relationship between the United States and Japan in the era of the Democratic Party. At the same time, he successively visited the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and hoped to show the world the feeling of Japan. In addition, Japan will adopt active pacifism as the core of its diplomatic and security guarantee policies. Abe led the Japanese Liberal Democratic Party in the 2016 Senate reelection and the 2017 House of Representatives election. After the election of the House of Representatives in 2017, Abe became the second player in the Heisei era to achieve a third consecutive reappointment; the Japanese Constitution was promulgated and Ji Tianmao took second place to serve as the fourth. The Cabinet’s Prime Minister of Japan, also the third politician to reach the post of prime minister in 1885 after Japan became the cabinet system. This research will understand the strategic thinking of Abe Shinzo, the constitutional and security guarantee strategy of Shinzo Abe, the diplomatic strategy of Shinzo Abe, the social strategy of Shinzo Abe, and Abe Jin San’s national economic strategy, through the research and writings of Prime Minister Abe's own work and relevant scholars; and the impact of the national strategy adopted by Shinzo Abe on Japan.


