  • 學位論文


The Innovation Strategy of Japanese ICT Enterprises: The Case Studies of WEB2.0

指導教授 : 蔡錫勲


論文提要內容 近年因IT技術的日新月異的進步與普及,改變了現代消費者的消費習慣及觀念,虛擬網路的消費方式大幅增加,以迅雷不及掩耳的速度取代了舊有的消費模式。WEB2.0時代的來臨正在帶動一場撼動世界的變化,破壞了以往封閉性的網路商務,提供以資源共享為出發點的新商機。因為網路科技的成熟,與消費者網路的參與度提高,率先把握產業變化取得先機,積極的加入ICT產業是成功之鑰。在ICT產業激烈的競爭中,美國企業以驚人的創新技術及成長速度成功的取得領導者的角色,相對的身為世界經濟大國的日本,在面對全球化的競爭下,若要維持競爭優勢則尚有許多課題需要解決。 在激烈的國際商戰中,企業跨足ICT產業並非難事,但企業的競爭策略將是永續經營的關鍵。伴隨著WEB2.0浪潮,所有曾在Web1.0時代稱霸的大型入口網站,亦積極的開始尋求全新改變。本論文將以建立業界標準、達成創造式破壞為中心,說明業界標準及創造式破壞的基本概念。第三章以美國搜尋引擎「Google」與日本電子購物商城「樂天」為WEB2.0的企業事例,分析其成功的原因及兩企業的經營特色。為了順應全球化的趨勢,積極的跨足不同業界、拓展企業規模,大型M&A策略如雨後春筍般出現,M&A被視為事業版圖擴展的絕佳利器。本論文第四章介紹兩企業的M&A策略。日本ICT產業中的WEB2.0企業以擴張企業版圖為目標,開發獨創技術、創新新價值極為重要。 伴隨著消費者的成熟化及對商品價值認知的提高,以往成功的企業若沿用同樣的企業策略將可能陷入業績低迷的威脅之中。因規則緩和及市場開放應對不及的日本,今後必須積極的主導業界標準的建立。在ICT產業中要提高企業競爭力及企業優勢,必須持續不斷的努力維持創新。創新是經濟活動中重要的一環,亦是成長的原動力。建立業界標準並達成創造式破壞將是今後ICT產業企業的重要目標。


ICT產業 WEB2.0 業界標準 創造式破壞 Google 樂天


Abstract: The advance of IT has made a dramatic change on our economy, and renewing the trading method. Consumers has now a new way of spending. The upcoming Web 2.0 will bring the world into a shocking change, replacing the old and enclosed form of internet business, providing a new structure of trading based on sharing of resources.As the internet technology is maturing, and consumers are participating. The key to success is if we can get hold and make use of the changes by joining the ICT Enterprises.The American is leading in the competition of ICT Enterprises with most advanced and mature technology. Whereas Japan will have to overcome a lot of problems before they can stay ahead of their competing countries.The competition amongst different countries are so intense. To involve the ICT is not a difficult task, more important is how to maintain the competing ability in the long run. The research based mainly on the foundation of the de facto standard and the concept of creative destruction ,and takes Google and Rakuten as study cases. Analyzing their operating characteristics and the keys to success. Along with the tendency of globalization, large scale M&A amended strategies are being developed. The research also focuses on introduce the M&A strategies employed by the two companies.The Japanese ICT Enterprise using the WEB 2.0 aiming to expand their business, developing new unique technology, and more importantly creating the new value. Knowing the consumers nowadays has a good understanding of products.Enterprises have to give up the outdated business strategy or they will get into the threat of falling behind and losing profit.It is important to update and maintain creativity in order to stay ahead in the industry of ICT Enterprising. Establishing de facto standard and achieving creative destruction are the key future targets for ICT enterprising.


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