  • 學位論文


Analysis of the “New Model of Major Power Relationship” between China and U.S.under Xi’s administration

指導教授 : 張五岳


自2010年以來,中美關係的性質逐漸發生轉變。中國的經濟規模以超越日本成為全球第二。中國的影響力已開始影響到冷戰後美國所建立的國際體系。雙方的矛盾也已經逐步顯現。 習近平上台後,面對到一個複雜的局面。大環境方面,美國開始調整自身的權力部署,來因應中國崛起所帶來的影響;另一方面,中國內部發展不均衡的問題,也給予中國在發展道路上極大的壓力。在這種背景下,習近平提出「新型大國關係」倡議來作為處理中美關係的手段。 自「新型大國關係」倡議提出之後,總共面臨到兩位美國總統。兩位總統的對華政策的差別,也使得在推動「新型大國關係」倡議面對到不同的挑戰。歐巴馬政府更傾向多邊主義與全球治理;而川普政府則是以「美國優先」作為主導。前者,更傾向合作,但要求盟友付出更多責任。後者,更傾向雙邊關係,涉及到國家利益的維護。因此,如何有效推進「新型大國關係」則成為中國外交的重大挑戰。 在本研究中,將針對習近平時期「新型大國關係」倡議的作為與特點進行論述與說明。「新型大國關係」倡議主要具備兩項特色。一個為議題傾向;另一個為底線思維。在議題傾向的部分,主要是源於習近平提出的「總體國家安全觀」作為中介,透過議題來聯繫與處理內、外問題。而底線思維,則是在進行國際合作時,能力可負責的上限或保護國家利益的底線。以此,來探討「新型大國關係」倡議的內涵。


Since China as the second large economic in 2010, friction between China and the U.S has escalated. After Xi Jinping empowered, China has faced a thorny situation. In the diplomatic realm, China has faced the challenge from the U.S. adjustment of its strategic deployment. In the meantime, the Chinese government has found it necessary to overcome its obstacles from its unequal economic development. Therefore, Xi Jinping proposes a “New Model of Major Power Relationship” in order to manage the Sino-U.S. relationship. This thesis aims to explore the contents and characteristics of the “New Type of Great Power Relations” under the Xi Jinping era. There are two features in “New Type of Great Power Relations”: (1) “issue-oriented diplomacy,” it comes from the concept of “a holistic view of national security,” the Chinese government handles both domestic and international issues by making a linkage among different agendas, and: (2) “bottom line thinking,” that is: China promote international cooperation while maintaining its national security. Since U.S. had different approaches from the Obama to the Trump Administration, China faced a significant challenges in achieving the “New Type of Great Power Relations.” The Obama Administration prefer cooperation by promoting multilateralism and global governance despite the administration required the U.S. allies to bear more responsibility in handling the current issues, whereas the Trump Administration preferred bilateralism and emphasized on national security. Because of that, the implementation of the “New Type of Great Power Relations” as a major challenge for the Chinese government.


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