  • 學位論文


A study on learning stress and adjustment of students in elite senior high schools in Taipei City.

指導教授 : 楊瑩


本研究旨在探討台北市明星高中學生之學習壓力與學習適應情形。本研究主要目的有: 一、瞭解台北市明星高中學生面臨學習壓力之情形。 二、剖析台北市明星高中學生學習壓力之主要來源。 三、探討台北市明星高中學生學習適應的情形。 四、探討台北市明星高中學生面臨學習壓力之調適策略與方式。 五、根據研究發現提出建議,供相關單位未來協助學生學習適應之參考。 本研究以自編之調查問卷為主要研究工具,採取問卷調查法,以立意抽樣方式選取台北市立兩所明星學校各4班,以此二校高中一年級學生為樣本進行調查。發出問卷330份,回收有效問卷共293份,問卷回收率為88.8%。 本研究之主要結論可歸納如下: 一、學生雖就讀於明星學校,但僅感受中等程度的「學習壓力」,其中以「個人因素」造成的壓力最大。 二、學生所回應的「學習適應」情形尚稱良好,其中以「身心適應」層面的學習適應最佳。 三、學生感受到的「學習壓力」及「學習適應」情形,依學生性別而有顯著差異。 四、父親及母親之管教方式,對學生的「學習壓力」及「學習適應」均各有顯著差異。 五、學生感受到的學習壓力,依父母管教方式是否相同,在「家庭」因素上有顯著差異,且父母管教方式是否相同,對學生的學習適應也有顯著差異。 六、學生的學習適應情形會依其在家中「排行」及家計負責人的教育程度而有顯著差異。 七、學生的學習壓力或學習適應並不因家庭居住地、居住型態、經濟狀況(含申請助學貸款)、家計負責人職業之不同,而有顯著差異。


This study aims mainly, via adopting the methods of questionnaires survey and literature review, to explore the learning stress and adjustment of students in elite senior high schools in Taipei city. The main purposes of this study are: 1.To explore the learning stress of students in elite senior high schools in Taipei city. 2.To analyze the primary sources of the learning stress of students in elite senior high schools in Taipei city 3.To understand the problems of the adjustment of students while facing learning stress in schools. 4.To review the strategies adopted by students for solving their adjustment problems in schools. 5.To propose suggestions, based on the findings of this study, for the reference of policy reform or improvement in the future. A self-designed questionnaire is used as the research tool of this study, and via purposively sampling, two best-known elite senior high schools in Taipei City are selected as samples of the case studies. In each school, first year’s students are chosen as samples. Four classes in each school are surveyed, which accounts for 330 students in total. With a response rate of 88.8%, 293 valid questionnaires are collected and analyzed. The main conclusions of this study can be summarized as follows: 1.Students are facing medium degree of learning stress in elite senior high schools, and the greatest pressure derived mainly from their own “individual” factors. 2.Students adjust quite well in schools, and their adjustment at the “physical and psychological dimension” is the best, among all the dimensions measured. 3.There are significant differences in the learning stress and learning adjustment between boys and girls. 4.There are significant differences in the learning stress and learning adjustment among students whose parents adopted different methods of home discipline. 5.Whether both parents adopt the same or consistent methods of home discipline has affected their children’s learning stress and learning adjustment. If both parents adopt consistent method of discipline, their children’s learning adjustment at schools are better. 6.There are significant differences in the learning adjustment among students with different order of sibling at home, and with educational qualification of the head of households.. 7.There is no significant difference in the learning stress and learning adjustments of students in terms of their home residential districts, composition of family members, economic situation and occupations of the head of households.




