  • 學位論文


Factor analysis of the price limit

指導教授 : 倪衍森




Price limit is one of important indices for stock price informaiveness, which would not only affect the investors’ sentiment, but also influence the investing stocks selected. In addition, the IPO stocks seem to be welcomed by investors. Thus, this study is to investigate whether IPO would affect the price limit, including price up limit, price down limit, or both. The results show that the subsequent performances of the IPO stocks have positive impacts on stock price limit significantly. We might infer that these companies might lift up the shares price to increase the capital gain, and then they would sell shares at their satisfactory price. Afterwards, the share prices might be decline sharply, even to the price limit down. Thus, investors should take the results revealed into account in order to prevent suffering losses caused by the people with manipulating power. In addition, our results disclose the shareholders with high shareholding instead of directors seem to prefer manipulating share prices as evidences shown by the stock price limit happened frequently. In addition, individual investors might own the shares for the companies with lots of shares outstanding. Thus, these individual investors lack of professional knowledge might sell these companies’ shares, even to price limit down, as bad news announced.


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