  • 學位論文


Consumer Purchase Intention Towards Pet Feed, Products and Supplies : Analysis of Study of Online and Offline Channels

指導教授 : 何怡芳


隨著台灣人口結構與生活型態的改變,開始造成人口老化,少子化等現 象,許多人開始不生小孩以及晚婚,再加上飼養寵物趨勢不斷的上升,網路社交平台與新聞媒體不斷的播放寵物相關報導與可愛呆萌的樣子。寵物與人們的關係越來越緊密,飼主在花費寵物相關吃住以及環境等方面寵物生活需求大幅提高,衍生出寵物的食、衣、住、行、育、樂等生活需求產業,臺灣的寵物店、寵物美容與動物醫院家數也逐年增加。隨著網路的發達,虛擬通路也逐漸普及化,使消費者產生不同的行為。 本研究主要探討消費者特性、通路特性、購買意願與通路轉換。探討消費者在實體通路與虛擬通路購買因素及考慮因素,探討消費者特性與通路特性對購買意願是否有影響。本研究以飼養寵物之飼主為研究對象,利用問卷調查作為資料蒐集,採便利抽樣方式進行問卷調查。使用敘述性統計、差異性檢定、信度分析、效度分析、相關分析與迴歸分析來探討各構面之間影響,並將研究結果給予學術與實務之建議。研究結果如下: 1. 選擇實體通路的多為男性,選擇虛擬通路的多數為女性。選擇實體通路的多數為學生與軍營人員,選擇虛擬通路的多數為大眾傳播與技職 類 2. 消費者特性之便利重要性與衝動對實體通路特性有正向影響;消費者特性價格知覺、便利重要性與創新對虛擬通路有正向影響 3. 消費者特性之便利重要性對實體通路有正向影響,消費者之創新對虛擬通路購買意願有負向影響;消費者特性之便利重要性與創新對虛擬 通路購買意願有正向影響。 4. 通路特性對購買意願有正向影響。 5. 消費者特性對實體通路轉換虛擬通路有正向影響。


With the change of Taiwan's demographic structure and living pattern, causing the population to age and the phenomenon of childlessness. People tend to keep a pet instead of raising kids. The social network platform and the news media continue to broadcast pet-related videos with their adorable behaviors and looks. The relationship between the human and the pet is getting closer. Along with that the expenses for the owner had also grew significantly, which later on create new market derived from pet food, clothing, housing, transportation, entertainment and other living needs of the industry. Taiwan's pet shops, pet beauty and animal hospitals also increased annually. With the normalize of the internet and the popularize of the online channel, the consumers started to have different purchasing behavior. This study mainly discusses consumer characteristics, channel characteristics, purchase intention and channel conversion. To explore the factors and considerations of consumers' purchase factors in offline channels and online channels, and whether consumer characteristics and channel characteristics have an impact on the purchase intention. In this study, the owner of a pet was the subject of the study, and the questionnaire survey was collected by means of convenient sampling. Using descriptive statistics, The Chi-Squared Test of Independence, reliability analysis, validity analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis to explore the impact between the various structures, and the results of the study to academic and practical advice. The results of the study are as follows: (1) Most of the offline channels are chosen by male and the majority of the online channels are chosen by female. Most of the offline channels selectors are students and military camp personnel, and the majority selectors of the online channels are in the mass communication and technical categories. (2) The convenience importance and impulse of consumer characteristics have a positive effect on the offline channels, and the price perception, convenience importance and innovation of consumer characteristics have a positive impact on the online channels. (3) The convenience importance of consumer identity has a positive impact on offline channels, consumer innovation has a negative impact on the willingness to buy online channels, and the convenience importance of consumer characteristics and innovation has a positive impact on the willingness to buy online channel. (4) Channel characteristics have a positive impact on purchase intention.(5) Consumer characteristics have a positive impact on the conversion of online channels to offline channels.


一、 中文部分
吳統雄,(1985),態度與行為研究的信度與效度: 理論,應用,反省,民意學術專刊,夏季號,29-53。
