  • 學位論文


Will the quality of the relationship determine the success of career? The impact of psychological contract violating on trust through neglect and voice

指導教授 : 張雍昇
共同指導教授 : 李芸蕙


從古至今商業中「信任」一直是企業彼此之間的關係基礎,而信任會構成下一步信任所不可或缺的要件,從而引發一連串的信任反饋。更會有心理層面的關係存在,像是一份心理上的契約一般,而當心理契約被違反時,企業所採取對夥伴廠商的態度是忽視還是表達,則會影響到後續對雙方的關係發展。雙方的關係會在選擇不同的關係效果下,加強或減弱相互的情感信任;增加或減少相互的計算信任;亦或是對於威懾信任的增強或削弱。 本研究主要探討企業在發生違反心理契約後,經由忽視與表達兩種不同關係效果後,對於情感信任、計算信任、威懾信任,三種不同信任類別所造成的影響。本研究採用網路問卷調查方式收集資料,共回收258份有效問卷,有效問卷回收率為91.16%,並用SPSS統計軟體進行資料分析。研究結果顯示,本研究之研究假設均獲得支持。格外來說,本研究除了驗證過去研究,也整理且增加了違反心理契約、EVLN類型學、情感信任、計算信任、威懾信任等相關文獻,除了提出理論與管理意涵外,亦提出研究限制與未來方向。


From ancient times to the present, "trust" in business has always been the basis of the relationship between enterprises, and trust will constitute an indispensable element of the next step of trust, which will trigger a series of trust feedback. There will also be a psychological relationship, which is like a psychological contract. When the psychological contract is violated, whether the company’s attitude toward the partner manufacturer is ignored or expressed will affect the subsequent development of the relationship between the two parties. The relationship between the two parties will strengthen or weaken mutual emotional trust; increase or decrease mutual computational trust; or increase or weaken deterrence trust. This study mainly explores the impact of three different types of trust, namely, emotional trust, computational trust, and deterrent trust, on three different types of trust after the enterprise violates the psychological contract, by ignoring and expressing two different relationship effects.In this study, data was collected by means of online questionnaire surveys. A total of 258 valid questionnaires were collected. The effective questionnaire recovery rate was 91.16%, and SPSS statistical software was used for data analysis. The research results show that the research hypotheses of this research are all supported. In particular, in addition to verifying past research, this research has also sorted out and added relevant literature on violations of psychological contracts, EVLN typology, emotional trust, computational trust, and deterrent trust. In addition to proposing theoretical and management implications, it also proposes research restrictions Future direction.


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