  • 學位論文


The performance effects of organizational changes uncertainty toward employee trust and working attitude

指導教授 : 林谷峻
共同指導教授 : 羅雁紅(Yen-Hung Lo)


本研究主要目的是針對高科技電子產業,探討組織變革不確定感、員工信任與工作態度及績效之關聯性,及其對績效之直接影響程度,同時験證員工信任對工作態度之影響,以及研究信任關係及工作態度對組織變革不確定感及績效之中介效果。希望在這些實證結果關係中,能夠提供企業主在購併時之參考依據,減少在全新市場的啓動成本與時間,因而縮減整合的時間與購併成本以提高購併後之效益。 研究架構以「組織變革不確定感」為自變數,包含喪失工作權、資源減少、角色衝突及工作不安全等四個構面;中介變數「信任」包含組識信任、主管信任、同事信任等三個構面;以及「工作態度」為工作投入、工作滿足等二個構面;「組織績效」為依變數,總共包括十個構面及62個題項。本研究採用問卷調查方式對兩家高科技電子產業進行問卷發放,共發放280份問卷,回收171份問卷,回收率為61.1%,其中有效問卷為166份。調查資料透過因素分析、信度分析、相關性分析及運用階層迴歸來分析各研究構念關係,最後,以路徑分析來檢驗假說之因果影響關係,而整體量表之Cronbach’s α為0.8851,表示本研究量表內部一致性相當高,並且具有很高信度。 研究結果發現組織變革不確定感對信任及工作態度有顯著的負向影響。再者,信任關係的強化對工作態度有顯著的正向影響。知覺組織變革不確定感會透過信任及工作態度的中介作用,正向影響績效。故本研究建議企業有計劃進行組織重整的同時,為了降低變革所引發的確定感,宜強化組織內部信任關係,信任關係的強化,可藉由良好的溝通行為,透明的資訊傳遞等,皆能有效地幫助提昇工作滿足及工作投入,並能逐步達成組織績效。 根據研究結果提供管理者及後續研究者之方向以下建議: 管理者之建議: 1.提供一個良好的溝通平台,以傳遞有關組織變革的相關資訊。 2.加強建立員工與組織間之信任關係。 3.重視員工工作態度的反應及影響,並且提高員工工作滿足感。 後續研究方向建議: 1.擴大研究範圍取得更廣範的樣本以獲得更有效的資訊。 2.希望後續研究者可以LISREL(linear structural relationship)線性結構關係模式統計軟體分析,對研究模型進行模型契合度檢測及假說驗證。 3.投入其他相關研究因子以期更能了解研究模型各變數間之關係。


The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship and implication about the performance through the difference of employee’s working attitude and trust in the uncertainty of organizational change. Hope the study result can provide the owner or the decision maker for merging strategic, which can reduce the timing and costs for the integration of business or merge and acquisition. One hundred and sixty-six effective surveys were received by employees from two research companies, which were undergoing change. The analysis consists two following parts: First, using the statistical software, SPSS (statistical package for social science), to test the reliability and validity of the variances of this research, to analyze the related coefficients among such variances, and to conduct each descriptive statistical analysis of the original data; Second, using the path analysis to analyze and describe the variance relationships actually observed against this research model. The results of this study discovered the organizational change uncertainty is rising higher, the trust relationship and working attitude of the employee becomes lower. Meanwhile, Employee trust has significant positive influence on working attitude. Furthermore, the mediating effect of employee trust and working attitude toward the organizational change uncertainty can positively influence on performance. As a result it’s suggested that interactive communication and clear message delivery within the organization in order to consolidate employee trust, and to improve the employee job involvement, job satisfaction and the performance achievement. From these findings, this study provides some suggestions and recommendations as follows: Suggestions for managers: 1.Managers should provide a strong communication channel to deliver all relevant messages about the organizational change. 2.Managers should build up the trust relationship between the organization and the employee. 3.Managers should consider the effect on employee working attitude to enhance the job satisfication. Recommendations for follow-up research: 1.Apply the LISREL model to measure the relationship among the constructs. 2.Extend the survey scope of this research. 3.Focus the study on other factors.


古永嘉譯(2003),Donald R. Cooper and Pamela S. Schindler合 著,企業研究方法,美商麥格羅.希爾國際股份有限公司,台北。


