  • 學位論文


Preliminary investigation of watching movies

指導教授 : ­ð¤j±[


電影播放的過程中訊息能夠傳遞,是因為觀眾在觀看電影時擔任訊息的接收者。然而訊息的傳遞如何有效的讓觀眾接收到,除了瞭解導演如何呈現畫面的技術,也必須瞭解觀眾在觀看電影時的特定模式。本研究希望從觀眾的角度觀察這個現象,透過眼動追蹤法記錄受試者在觀看電影過程的視線軌跡,接著對視線軌跡進行觀察與描述來找到重要特徵,說明不同的畫面表現將如何影響眼睛的觀看方式,有何共同性及殊異性?並以一般人能清楚感受到的電影元素「節奏」作為電影選擇的變項,將電影分成快、慢節奏兩種實驗刺激,試圖觀察受試者受到節奏的影響下,會如何影響其觀看過程。另外根據「解釋水平理論」說明一般人會因為事情的距離、遠近不同,而產生對事情有高、低兩種水平的解釋方式,會導致思考方式的不同。「高水平解釋」代表內心對事物的想法較為抽象,而「低水平解釋」則表示內心對事物的想法較為具體。此實驗將受試者分成具體思考和抽象思考兩組,期待兩種不同的思考型態在電影觀看上將有所差異。 本研究結果發現:(1)受試者在大部份的時間會習慣觀看畫面的中心。(2)在特定的畫面表現上會產生視線共識性。(3)人臉與正在進行的動作最容易吸引人的目光。(4)快節奏電影的視線軌跡整體較為集中,共識性較高。慢節奏電影的視線軌跡整體較為分散,共識性較低。(5)思考型態不同的人在觀看上有所差異,具體思考者相對於抽象思考者在觀看上較為廣泛,分散程度較高。


觀看 電影 節奏 思考型態 眼動追蹤法


Films are capable of transmitting messages is because of the viewers as messages recipients while movies are playing.However, to make audience receive messages clearly, we not only have to understand the techniques of how director presents the scene, but we also need to understand the specific mode while audience are watching movies.This study observed this phenomenon from the perspective of the audience, recording the subject's eye movement in the process of watching movies through eye tracking.Then observed and described the eye movement to find the significant features. Next, illustrated how it would affect eye’s viewing mode that was shown through the different scenes, and what were the similarity and differences between them. One of the film’s element "rhythm" which could be felt clearly by most of people was chosen as the movie selected variable, furthermore the film was divided into fast and slow rhythm as two experimental stimuli. Then observed how the subject would be affected by the rhythms during the process of viewing the movie. And also, according to "Construal Level Theory", that normal people would have high or low level explanation to the things because of the distance to them, which would lead the people to the different ways of thinking. “High Level Construal” means that things the person thoughts will be more abstract. On the other side, “Low Level Construal” shows that things the person thoughts will be more specifically.The experimental subjects were divided into two groups of specific thinking and abstract thinking, expecting two different thinking patterns would have different behavior in a movie viewing.As the result: (1) Most of the subjects were used to watch the center of the screen during the time. (2) On a specific line of sight screen performance will produce consensus. (3) Human faces and ongoing action most likely to attract attention. (4) Generally, eye movement of fast-paced movies is more concentrated, and the consensus is high. Eye movement of low-paced movies is more broadly, and is less consistent. (5) Different thinking patterns vary in watching, "Concrete thinkers" compare to "abstract thinker" could view more widely, scatter is higher.


viewing film rhythm thinking patterns eye tracking method


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