  • 學位論文


On "temperament" in Émile Zola - Example of Thérèse Raquin

指導教授 : 蔡淑玲
共同指導教授 : 徐鵬飛(Gilles Boileau)


左拉的作品眾多,長篇小說及散文集外還有一部二十本的長篇小說組成的《胡貢-馬卦,第二帝國時代一個家族的自然史及社會史》和論述自然主義及左拉思想的論文集。因此,本論文將範圍縮小至《黛赫絲哈岡》一書作為討論的基礎。主要以「氣質」在《黛赫絲哈岡》中的概念為出發點,討論「氣質」是什麼?第一章將《黛赫絲哈岡》中的人物根據左拉的描述分為「冷」及「熱」兩大氣質,以女主角黛赫絲的角度,感受人物間「偽平衡」與「真平衡」,以文本為主找出平衡點與失衡點。 第二章進入文本中的環境分析,以影響「氣質」的因素以黑暗與明亮兩種相反的形容詞,描寫小說人物的生活環境。將小說中提出的事件也依照其特性分為「冷」與「熱」兩部分,討論左拉重複提出這些因素的關聯與目的,找出「氣質」及環境之間的關聯。在表示內在的氣質及表現外在的環境相互影響和變化,再找出根據氣質的改變而對外環境感受不同的段落作討論。 第三章,討論無法歸類於內環境或外環境的因素。文本中不斷在關鍵時刻出現的貓以及鬼魂,使羅弘和黛赫絲透過貓和鬼魂檢視自身之善惡。最後,在結論對「氣質」 的研究過程作說明,將左拉曾與「氣質」並列在一起的詞句作比較,和檢視整篇論文的研究成果。研究者期待能以「氣質」的角度來研究《黛赫絲哈岡》,看左拉如何安排人物「氣質」和其中的互動關係。


左拉 氣質 黛赫絲哈岡 平衡


Zola published many works in his writing life, therefore, this thesis was based on the Thérèse Raquin, and we discussed the concept : the temperament of Zola. Mainly on Thérèse Raquin as a starting point to discuss what is the "temperament" ? The first chapter, according to the description Zola, we put figures into two categories: the "cold" temperament and the "hot" temperament. To observe the fake-balance and the real balance between the figures’ and found connection between the balance and imbalance in the text . The second chapter, we analyze the environment. According to different definitions, we separated the environment into the internal environment and the external environment. We also make the environment in two parts: "cold" and "hot". Discuss why Zola duplication of these factors connected with the aim to identify the associated the temperament and the environment. The third chapter, we discuss factors that we can’t be classified in the internal environment or external environment. The cat and the ghost, they appear at the crucial moment. They see their goodness and evil through the cat and the ghost. In conclusion, we show the experience of this thesis on temperament. And we compared the "temperament" and the words who is appeared with "temperament" in Zola’s study.


Emile Zola temperament Therese Raquin naturalism


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