  • 學位論文


A Real-Time Embedded Cloud Parking Lot Information Systems

指導教授 : 黃連進


現在很多人們都會以車子來代步。以車子代步雖然很方便,但是會碰到令每個駕駛都頭痛的問題,就是停車位很難找。尤其是到一個陌生的環境時,不是很熟悉附近的路,這時就可利用我們的APP來尋找目前所在地附近的停車場的位置及空位資訊,不只節省時間尋找停車場,也可得知哪個停車場空位較多。進入停車場後,不需大費周章地找車位,入口上方就設置一面板顯示停車場各樓層的平面圖,及空位資訊,駕駛可利用這入口面板資訊馬上得知哪一層樓的哪一區有停車位可停,讓駕駛從找停車場到找停車位都不需耗費時間。 本論文的概念是基於以上問題,我們把功能統整成一套系統,從停車場內部到外部都有一定的規劃,好讓使用者在生活上能夠更加的便利及節省更多的時間。硬體上我們採用嵌入式開發板,系統上採用Linux開放原始碼,來節省軟體的開銷。


停車場 嵌入式 雲端


Many people get the place by car now. It’s very convenient, but it has a big issue “Parking Space” which is hard to find. Especially when you get the strange place and are not familiar with the nearby road.Then you can use our APP to find the current location of the parking lot and empty place, not only to save time looking for parking and we can know which parking lot has more space. After entering the parking lot, without the trouble to find parking spaces, the entrance there is a panel show plan view of the floors of the parking lot, and vacancy information, the driver can take advantage of this entrance panel information immediately learned which parking space of the floorscan parking allow the driver to find from parking lot to parking space without time-consuming. Our concept is based on the above issues; we integrate the functions into a system. We have some planning inside to the outside from the parking lot, so that users can be more convenient in their daily lives and save even more time. We adopt version of embedded development of hardware and linux open-source of system to save the overhead of software.


Parking lot Embedded


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[1]. GAE,URL:https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-hant/Google_App_Engine
[2]. Raspberry Pi,URL:http://www.raspberrypi.com.tw/
