  • 學位論文


Chinese society under the COVID-19 pandemic:Reflecting on common people’s concept on diseases from the analysis of rumors

指導教授 : 紀慧君


COVID-19疫情持續影響全球,病毒衝擊著全球民眾的正常生活,也對生命健康造成嚴重威脅。在傳染病大流行的背景之下,還有另一場「 謠言疫情」正在發生。過往謠言研究多指向負面意涵,視其為混淆民眾視聽、擾亂政府策略的錯誤訊息,本研究有別於過往觀念,我們視謠言 為疫情之下常民的訴求,群眾聲音的表達,是個人情感感受的抒發,亦是民眾在試圖了解自己生活環境時所傳達出的焦慮和困惑。 本研究透過論述分析法,並通過對收集的謠言文本和疫情下的典型重要事件進行解析,探討在嚴峻疫情下的中國社會中,流傳的謠言文本所反映出常民怎樣的態度與觀點。我們應當關注的是在傳染病大流行時期謠言的出現,它提供給我們一個觀察常民如何看待疾病的場域。 當謠言在同一個「主觀」環境裡反覆重演,證明這是一種深埋在集 體意識中的恐慌情感。而傳染病謠言作為一個對社會所有族群都存在意義的特殊類型,它引起民眾廣泛的關注,更能激發出埋藏在社會深處之下的隱形裂痕。 透過謠言文本內容,我們觀察身處新冠大流行下中國社會的民眾如何看待這場傳染性疾病,政府的權力關係影響著常民生活,道德觀念亦 在這場疫病內,表達出民眾面對疫病天然的畏懼與恐慌,也指向社會更深層的文化意涵。除此之外,透過謠言也讓我們看到在主流西方醫學體系的控制之下,當全球都被籠罩在病毒的陰影之下時,中國民眾仍舊最終選擇回歸到最傳統的防治手段上,基於長期與疾病作鬥爭的經驗,通 過自己力所能及的方式規避風險,也為尋求心靈面向的慰藉。 當疾病對於社會的意義已經跨越了生物學領域,這場傳染病的大流行讓我們看清民眾的分歧与恐惧,也從政權和醫療的角度理解社會的權力結構,重新審視疫病之下中國社會與常民的關係。


謠言 傳染病 COVID-19 疾病觀


The COVID-19 epidemic continues to affect the world. The virus has impacted the normal lives of people around the world, and has also posed a serious threat to life and health. In the context of an infectious disease pandemic, there is another "rumor epidemic" taking place. In the past, rumors research mostly pointed to negative connotations, and regarded them as misinformation that confuses the public and disrupts government strategies. This study is different from the previous concept. We regard rumors as the demands of ordinary people under the epidemic, and the expression of the public’s voice is a personal emotion. The expression of feelings is also the anxiety and confusion that people convey when trying to understand their living environment. Through the method of discourse analysis, and by analyzing the collected rumor texts and typical important events under the epidemic, this study explores the attitudes and opinions of ordinary people reflected in the circulating rumor texts in Chinese society under the severe epidemic situation. What we should pay attention to is the emergence of rumors during a pandemic, which provides us with a field to observe how ordinary people view diseases. When the rumors are repeated in the same "subjective" environment, it proves to be a panic emotion buried deep in the collective consciousness. As a special type of infectious disease rumors that has significance for all ethnic groups in society, it has attracted widespread attention from the public, and can even inspire invisible cracks buried deep in society. Through the content of rumor texts, we observe how people in Chinese society view this infectious disease under the new crown pandemic. The power relationship of the government affects the lives of ordinary people, and moral concepts are also included in this epidemic, expressing that people are naturally faced with the epidemic. The fear and panic of the society also point to the deeper cultural implications of the society. In addition, through rumors, we can see that under the control of the mainstream Western medical system, when the world is shrouded in the shadow of the virus, the Chinese people still choose to return to the most traditional means of prevention and treatment. The long-term experience of battling the disease, avoiding risks through the means within one's own ability, but also seeking comfort from the spiritual side. When the meaning of disease to society has transcended the field of biology, this pandemic has made us see clearly the differences and fears of the people, understand the power structure of society from the perspective of political power and medical treatment, and re-examine Chinese society under the epidemic Relationship with people.


〈療法與2019冠狀病毒病 (COVID-19)動態指南〉(2021年12月7日),取自世界衛生組織網頁 https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/350177/WHO-2019-nCoV-therapeutics-2021.4-chi.pdf
