  • 學位論文


Design a Simulation Board Game and Explore Its Effect

指導教授 : 吳純萍 李世忠


情境模擬法提供機會讓學生觀察與反思在真實情境中學習內容的應用情形,若進一步將學習內容的應用轉以待解決的問題形式來呈現,引導學生深入了解問題的定義、分析解決方案,將有助於提昇其學習層次。然而,真實世界的資訊是繁多且複雜,若於情境模擬教材中刻意省略很多資訊,將可能導致學習者無法順利將所學遷移至真實世界中,反之,當學習者對於情境模擬教材的學習內容沒有足夠的學習背景或知識時,此時若未將細節資訊予以省略,學習者將沒有判斷資訊正確性之能力而影響學習成效。本研究以日常飲食決策為主題,並以情境模擬為設計核心開發一套紙本情境模擬桌遊以及數位飲食回饋系統,引導受測者在桌遊歷程中進行選餐決策,並不斷反思餐點優劣以作為決策依據。期望藉此探討出對受試者培養問題決策能力之最佳教材設計方式,以作為未來設計情境模擬教材之參考。本研究採用準實驗不等組前後測研究法探究不同學習資訊複雜度對於受試者之飲食攝取自我效能與營養學知識之精熟度影響。本研究共邀請選修同一門教育科技相關科目的大學生(共計86位)參與實驗,並隨機分派其中兩個班級為單一資訊組,另兩個班級為複合資訊組。實驗共進行兩周,每周受試者以四人為小組共同進行情境模擬桌遊,受試者的飲食攝取自我效能與營養學知識於實驗前及實驗後以測驗及問卷的方式進行評估,再者於實驗結束後,研究者藉由問卷來收集受試者對於桌遊的滿意度以及心流經驗。研究結果顯示: 一、 受試者對於本研究所設計之情境模擬桌遊之滿意度與心流經驗皆達尚可程度,表示本研究之桌遊設計仍有改進空間。 二、 本研究所設計之情境模擬桌遊有助於提升受試者飲食攝取自我效能,然而在學習任務執行過程中呈現不同資訊量對於自我效能的改變並無顯著差異。 三、 本研究所設計之情境模擬桌遊以及對於學習者之營養學知識的提昇效果並未得到支持,而在學習任務執行過程中呈現不同資訊量對於營養學知識之提升也無顯著差異。


The purposes of this study are: (1) to design a serious board game simulating the daily eating decision-making and an e-feedback system to engage students in the iterative process of making decisions and reflecting their decisions by observing the impact of the decisions (2) to explore the impact of the board game on students’ self-efficacy of balanced diet and nutrition knowledge. A pre-and-posttest quasi-experimental research was conducted. Four classes of university students matriculated in educational technology program were randomly assigned to the experimental conditions (simplified-information group vs. complex-information group). Specifically, 46 subjects participated in the simplified information condition while 40 subjects in the complex information conditions. The subjects’ self-efficacy and nutrition knowledge were assessed prior and after the intervention. During the two-week intervention, the subjects, working in a group of four, played the board game once per week. At the end of the study, the subjects’ satisfaction with the game and flow experience were collected via questionnaire. The results are as follow: (1) the subjects reported moderately satisfaction and flow experience, which indicates the board game design still has improved demand. (2) The pair t test result supports the positive impact of subjects’ self-efficacy on both experimental conditions; however, no statistically significant difference in the self-efficacy scores between the two conditions were supported in the ANCOVA results. (3) Neither the positive impact of subjects’ nutrition knowledge nor the differences of the nutrition knowledge between the two groups were supported.


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