  • 學位論文


Study of Immunoassays screening for drug of abuse in urine dried paper

指導教授 : 張耀仁 唐海誼


尿液毒品篩查測試是戒毒康復診所中最常用的檢驗方法。但尿樣的儲存和轉移是實驗室檢測藥物的主要問題之一,特別是尿液由非政府組織運送至實驗室, 其儲存溫度和運輸時間難以控制。而本研究參考血液乾血紙片(DBS)採樣技術並應用到尿液樣本中,把尿液製作成尿液乾紙片(dried urine paper, DUP),以解決尿液的存放空間、儲存條件及運送覆檢等問題。本研究是利用含有Methamphetamine、 Lormetazepam、Benzoylecgonine及Morphine的尿液製作成尿液乾紙片(DUP),再利用同一容量的超純水作回溶,其回收率分別在74%到96%之間;並以38個毒品篩查測試為陰性的尿液樣本及55個陽性樣本作成尿液乾紙片(DUP)並回溶,以ELISA分析得出的結果與原尿液結果作對比,當中陰性樣本、可卡因、苯二氮䓬類及鴉片類為陽性的尿液樣本之DUP與原尿液的結果一致,均呈陽性,只有安非他命類陽性的尿液樣本中,其DUP回液的結果有3個為陰性,與原尿液的結果不同,但其半定量結果皆在cut-off值附近,並在cut-off值以下15%之內。


Urine drug screening test is the most frequently used analytical method in drug rehabilitation clinic. Due to the difficulties in controlling the storage temperature and transportation time, the storage and transportation of urine sample is one of the main problems of drug assay in laboratory, especially the transportation between the laboratory and non-governmental organization (NGO). The aim of this study is to solve the problems related to the storage space, storage conditions and the delivery of samples by applying the principle of blood spot sampling technique to prepare dried urine paper (DUP) of urine samples. Urine controls of Methamphetamine, Lormetazepam, Benzoylecgonine (BZE) and Morphine were applied to DUP and re-dissolved by the same volume of ultrapure water, the recoveries were between 74% and 96%. 38 negative and 55 positive ELISA-screened urine samples were prepared by DUP technique and re-analysed by ELISA. The negative urine samples, the positive cocaine, benzodiazephines (BZE) and morphine samples were consistent when compared with the screening results. 3 ELISA-screened methamphetamine positive urine samples were found negative by DUP, however their semi-quantitative results were near the cut-off value and within 15%.


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