  • 學位論文


Explore the Self-Care Behavior and Related Factors from the Resident Living in Nursing Home

指導教授 : 林晏如


本研究目的在瞭解護理之家住民的自我照顧行為之現況與其影響因素之探討。採橫斷式研究設計,利用立意取樣於中南部榮民體系所附設護理之家收案,有效樣本為113位。研究使用健康促進生活型態量表(Health-Promoting Life Profile Short Form, HPLP-S)、內外控信念量表(Health Locus of Control Sale)、自我效能量表(the General Self-efficacy Scale)及社會支持量表(Social Support Scale)。依研究目的及變項性質,選擇統計方法包括頻率、百分比、平均值、標準差、t-test、one-way ANOVA、皮爾森積差相關分析等進行統計分析。研究結果發現(1)身分、婚姻狀況及健康狀況與社會支持,達顯著水準。其他人口學特性不會影響內、外控信念、自我效能、社會支持與自我照顧行為。(2)內控信念與自我照顧行為有低度相關相關性。內控信念與自我效能有正低度相關性。自我效能與自我照顧行為有中度相關性。社會支持與自我效能、自我照顧行為無相關。(3)自我效能有效解釋自我照顧行為的26.7%變異量。本研究結果可作為醫護人員照護此類住民之參考。藉由了解住民之自我照護行為與其影響因子,以期能提昇住民自我照顧能力與建立合適於住民之照護模式,進而改善住民的生活型態,進而提升住民的自我照顧行為及照護品質。


The purpose of the study was to explore self-care behavior and related factors which would affect those behaviors from the resident living in nursing home. Cross-sectional study and purposive sampling were used in this study. Residents who live in nursing home in the middle-south Taiwan were included in this study. The total of 113 residents replied this questionnaire. Demographic data, Health-Promoting Life Profile Short Form、Health Locus of Control Scale、the General Self-efficacy Scale and Social Support Scale were utilized to measure variables in this study. Results showed that only marriage status and health status had significantly differences with social support. There was no significance between demography data and Internal Health Locus of Control、External Health Locus of Control, Self-efficacy, Social Support and self-care behavior. Internal locus of control had significantly positive relationship with self-care behavior and Self-efficacy. In addition, self-efficacy had significantly positive relationship with self-care behavior. Finally, Self-efficacy was the most important predictor which could predicate 26.7% of the total amount of variance in self-care behavior. The research outcome can be a reference for medical and nursing professionals to understand self-care behavior and related factors from the resident living in nursing home. In order to establish better health care service for the resident, it is necessary and important to enhance self-care skills and self-efficacy for residents. It will help residents to have better quality of life.


ursing home resident self-care behavio


